𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐 𝟏/𝟐

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⚠️TW// vomit/vomiting⚠️

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⚠️TW// vomit/vomiting⚠️

Y/n and Jungkook have been dating for nearly a year, now. He's in his senior year as she's in her junior year of high school. It's homecoming night, which means, no performance. As Y/n stands in the bleachers watching the game, Jungkook has his eyes kept on his girlfriend. She looks so perfect to him. He smiles on how they became to be. Over just winter guard tryouts.

Jungkook was on the track along with the school dance team. They have new members since Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi graduated last year. It was hard to get these new members but they are really good. Since its homecoming night, they won't be performing their away routine just like the band and color guard.

The crowd roars when Tray gets the ball and runs his yards to score a touchdown for his school. The band does a snippet of their fight song and the color guard does a small dance to it. It comes to an end and their focus was back to the field. Before you know it, it was halftime.

The score was tight, but they knew they were going to win the game. Y/n grabs her letterman and put it on since she was freezing due to this drastic weather change. She grabs her phone and money she has for some food. She walks down the bleachers and there waiting for her was her boyfriend. She smile and wrapped her arms around hit built figure.

His arms wrapped around her as he places a kiss on her head. She smiles up at him. His nose was red from the cold weather. She pouts at him.

"Awe, you look like Rudolph." She teases as she pinches his cold nose.

He rolls his eyes playfully as he shakes his head so she can let go of his nose. "Yeah? So do you babes." He copies her teasing.

She cackles as she pulls away from his warm hold. "Come on. I'm hungry." She says, intertwining their fingers.

The couple made their way to the concession stand waiting line. They are in a conversation when someone calls their name. They turn and it was Taehyung. Y/n beams at her best friend. She motions him to be with them as he cuts other people. Taehyung brings his best friend into a tight hug as he places a kiss on her forehead.

Y/n laughs as she pushes him away. "Hey!" She squeals. "Your lips are freezing." She says rubbing the cool spot that he made with his red lips.

He gives her his boxy smile with a light deep chuckle. He greets Jungkook with a nod and bro hand hug. Y/n shakes her head with amusement of the two teenage boys. They made conversation with each other until it was their turn. They ordered what they wanted and paid for their stuff. Well, Jungkook paid for Y/n, but she wasn't complaining.

They got their food and drinks and made their way back to the stands. Taehyung decided to go eat with Jimin and the rest of the dance team, so he can get to know the new members a little more. Jungkook stayed with Y/n as they made their way to her spot on the bleachers. They sat close to each other to keep warm from the cold breeze.

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