Pt 3:Class Project

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Ms. Bustier walked to the center of the class room 'Hello students,oh Marinette I hope everything is well? You didn't come to school for the past two weeks.'

'Yeah it's fine.' Marinette shrugs
'Ok.So since it's nearly summer, we are having a school project that you are gonna do in pairs.'
'REALLY!? That means I can get paired up with ADRIKINS!!!' Chloe exclaimed.

'Actually, no. I'm going to put you guys in pairs my self. Last time I let you choose a partner yourselves, only three pairs got the project done.'

Everyone in the class groans.
'Now let's see, Nino with Jeluka, Zoey with...'
Five minutes later.
'Good. Now that we've sorted that out, let's do some geography.'

As Marinette walks out, she bumps into Luka.
Luka holds her hand to prevent her from falling. 'Are you ok?' He asks.
'Um...Yeah! Totally fine! I mean I don't know what would have a happened if you didn't catch me!' *Grins weirdly*

Luka smiles as he walks away.

'Hi Marinette.'Says a familiar someone holding her arm.
Marinette turns around to see Lila smiling.
'Oh hi Lila! What's up?'
'Well me and the girls where worried about your absense, so let's go meet them now.' She said as she smiled and pulled Marinette over to a table.

'MARINETTE!!!' Rose screamed as she ran to Marrinette for a tight hug.

'Told you she was around.' Alya scoffed.
'Yeah whatever, welcome back Marinette,' Alix said.
'ROSE!!! Stop hugging Marinette, let's all hug her.' Lila exclaimed.
As everyone gathered for a hug, Marinette already new she'll be dead afterwards.
'Th-thank you guys for that hug.' She replied gasping for air.
'Since you're back, let's talk about what happened up there.' Alix pointed.
'There? What do you mean?' Marinette asked acting all innocent.
'Girl, we saw you bump into Luka. What happened.'
'Oh, I was just dozing off, you know-'
'How you got paired up with Adrien?' Jeluka interrupted
'AWWW!' Everyone exclaimed.
'W-well, I um I' Marinette started to stammer.
'I was just um-I-'
'Well, if she doesn't want to talk about her bumping into Luka, she doesnt have to.' Lila interrupted.

'What got you all worked up all of a sudden?' Rose asked.She thought for a moment and realized 'Wait. are you jea-'
'NO!!! I uh- just didn't want you guys to make her feel uncomfortable? Yes, you know cause that's why she didn't come to school in the first place!' Lila yelled.

'I guess she's right guys. Let' s just leave Marinette alone for sometime.' Mylean suggested.
'Fine. But you are gonna tell me what happened later.' Alix proclaimed.
'Ok?' Marrinette said.

After school...
'Thanks for standing up for me at the time Lila, you know how they can be at times.'
'Of course!' Lila answered.
Lila POV:Anything for you.
'What?' Marinette asked.
'Hmm? Oh nothing! I was just humming a good song that Jacked stone realised a few days ago.' She continued.
'Really? Didn't know that there was a new song he realised. What's the name?'
'Um... I don't know actually yeah...' Lila affirmed.
'Well okay, um see you tomorrow then?'
'Yeah, see you.' Lila smiled as Marinette closed the door.
Lila pov:Ugh. Lila why do you always mess up infront of her, if you keep acting like that, she'll think you're wierd.'

'Good afternoon Mom and Dad' Marinette greeted.
'Good morning darling' Sabine answered.
'I hope that Luka boy didn't hurt you in any way?' Tom asked
'Honey.' Sabine said as she glared at Hine to make him stop.
'No, dad. Nothing happened between us.'
'Ok I just-' As he was about to reply Marinettes phone started ringing.
'Oh it's Adrien! Um sorry dad, mom I have to take this!' She said as she dashed up the stairs.
'OK honey, I just-' *Door bangs*

'Marinette whats going on?' Tikki questioned.
'Adrien' s calling me what if it's about the project or he just wants to talk? What if I say rubbish in the call? I don't know what to do!!!'
'Marinette.'Tikki said as she looked at her firmly.' Pick it.'
'Oh right yeah. Sorry.'

The phone call

drien on the line:Hello Marinette
Marinette:oh hi Adrien!
Adrien:I was wandering wher we're gonna do the project.
Marinette: Um we can do it at my place. I have the materials needed herr
Adrien:Okay maybe on Saturday I'll come.
Marinette: K, bye!

'Squee!!! Adrien coming to my house on Saturday!!!! Squee!!!!' Marinette squealed as she crashed on her bed.
'Marinette, you did say you have the materials right?'
'Well You cut all the cardboard during your tantrum last week.'
'What?! No, no no no no!' Marinette screamed as she was going through all her art stuff. 'Even the markers are finished!'
'I guess that's what happens when a Marinette goes through a break up.' Tikki teased.
'Well I guess I have to go shopping after school tomorrow. At this point, I just wanna sleep.'


Word of the day:Materials

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