some of the topics may be found uncomfortable for some audiences read with cuation
OK dream time, this dream was set in a fantasy world, mist likely mlp because a friend was talking about it just before I went to bed, and in this world they were using this device which can locate something but that something want really specific, you find rooms and what not, so above them there was this group of humans, they dug up to this and bombarded them for some reason, wait no its cause they had never seen a human before, there was 3 people, a girl just the basic pink obsessed one, normal dude and a dude who like emo, they kidnapped the girl and normal dude and then they left the emo dude there for some reason, and then he turned into a red lion and got really big and started to sleep on his bed.
the next think I rember is lying in a pool of water and it was very dark outside, there were these lasers sending particles of differnet things into the sky and trying to get it to another planet, it was pretty and spooky, the goal was to try to start new life on a distant planet, also tehre was a giant metal pyramid next to me
next thing I remember is I am now with my friends wlaking up to this boat, apparently we were trying to hunt down this creature, we ha floated it to a boat so we bombard the boat and it was small and couldn't get out, I ended up finding what it was and it was a fucking mushroom, there was also 3 other mushroom things (I took a piece of it) it tried to escape and but I caught it and then it got taken away
next scene I remember was on q boat going somewhere, it was all fine, but then someone found fireworks, I want listening but the had alit a small one, I also just before this ate the piece of mushroom and spat it in three river saying I hope you grow, ok but the fire works I walked down the boat and when I did the person lit one and blew it up on himself, afterwards he just looked at me and said I like this and grabbed a big one and walked to where everyone else is and I could hear the screams as soon as they realised what he was about to do, I was scared and the door to get outside the boat was right next to me so I unlocked it and grabbed grabbed handles and close dude door, then jumped into the water before I saw anything, I claimed up onto the land, then woke up, I was also in Germany Germany I got onto the land and it was extremely futuristic
quite alot of my friends were in this dream and teachers lol
other things I remember is on another boat and what not happened, there was the exploration and yeah, and at one point I was debating to sit next to Mr kipps before my friend called me over to sit me down in-between them
My Dreams
Horrorthe story has now been changed to be a collection of dream I have, like dreams you have at night I'll update whenever I can and whenever I have a dream I want to write down so this is a collection of my dreams have fun reading whatever the fuck goes...