Shot 6

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Third pov:

~ •*:"☁︎☕︎☕︎☁︎":*• ~


   Toji stirred in his sleep as he pats the other side of the bed clearly hoping to feel his lover beside him also sleeping, only to feel nothing beside him.

    Toji slowly opened his eyes, a irritated groan leaving his lips as he sat up, letting out a long yawn, stretching his arms up, letting out a satisfied hum at the cracks that he heard. Toji looked around the familiar setting of his and his lovers bedroom,
"(M/nnn)~" toji yawned(?) out his lovers name eyeing the door of the bedroom expecting the said male to walk in, only to be again met with nothing 'maybe he's cooking' toji concluded, choosing to ignore the ominous feeling he's been feeling since he woke up.

  The ebony male got up, fixing the bed before opening the bedroom door, the hallways were strangely gloomy, no noises heard, it was completely...silent.

   Toji made his way to the kitchen, he was starting to feel unsteady, the ominous feeling getting stronger by the second making him uneasy. The apartment was empty and eerily silent the only noise being tojis footsteps "(M/n)?" Toji whispered as he peeked his head to the kitchen...nothing, no (M/n) in sight 'maybe he went out?' toji thought making his way to the front door of the apartment.

  'huh? He didn't go out?' toji thought as there was no sign of someone going out or in, the shoe rack having no sign of being touched. By now toji is incredibly uneasy as his breathing began to become shaky, a sudden shiver going down his spine 'ok calm down' he thought taking a deep breath to hopefully calm himself down a little.

  Toji turned around to go back to the kitchen to make himself something. When he made it he grabbed a coffee mug to make coffee for himself. Toji took a quick glance around him before his eyes caught sight of a disturbing scene. A gasp left his lips, the rapid beating of his heart felt almost painful as toji lost grip on the mug making it slowly.. land on the floor.

(an:idk anymore)

   Shards of glass scattered around toji as he stared at the sight before him, Blood, crimson red blood was seeping from underneath the bathroom door. Toji was frozen, he couldn't move, his breathing was uneven and shaky his whole body trembling as dark thoughts of what that could be or more soo who that blood could belong to flooded his mind.

  Toji took a step forward ignoring the pain he felt when his foot came in contact with the broken glass making it bleed out
"(M/n-n)" toji stuttered taking another step forward as only silence responded before toji sprinted 


    Toji took of on a sprint to the bathroom almost falling on his feet as he swung the door open. The sight before him made him still, he felt as if he couldn't breathe his heart practically beating out of his chest to the point where it was painful.

   There before him was his lover on the bathroom floor laying on his own blood, a knife stained with blood in hand, blood seeping from the stab wound in his chest.. Toji fell to his knees as he pulls his lovers bloody body to his arms as a painful scream left his lips.

  "(M/N)?! (M/N)?! Cmon d-dont joke a-around?!! This isn't funny?!"

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