The Monster.

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Kaizo- "Now you should just quit tapops and all, to become a professional magician. Believe me, you'll earn a lot of money."

Persephone- "What is with you and money?"

Kaizo- "now Remember the time when lahap was teaching him how fly a ship? he crashed it multiple times! I had to fix it with the money I EARNED and I will be able to have it back. Its a win for me."

Draco- "Shut up you two. Anyways, Fang, do you have any idea how you did this? The ashes turning into paper and all."

Fang- " Mom told me to think so I did it."

Kaizo whistled.

Kaizo- "YOU'RE coming with me. Just meet me in the lab after changing." As he said that, he left the room.

Fang- "You know..I am not going to change in front of you."
Both of them shuffled out of the room.

~time skip brought to you by..the new sweat shirt Fang is wearing~

Fang just changed and was on his way to the lab. He met his friends there.

Yaya and ying- "FANG! You're okay!"
They hugged him. He awkwardly patted their backs as the went to their original positions.
Fang- "AWW, see here, I am fine! Anyways, I have to go to the lab for something, Nee-san called me. You can come too if you want."

Boboiboy- "You sure about that?"

Gopal- "YES HE IS, now let's go!"
Fang sighed and told them to follow him. When he reached the lab, he knocked.

Kaizo- "Come in."

The door opened to reveal Kaizo, who was wearing sweat pants and a blue shirt. With some papers In his hands, looking like the professor everyone likes.
He looked up

Kaizo- "I- WAIT a second, why are you guys here?"
Fang- "I invited them here. They looked bored so why not?" He said while shrugging his shoulders.

Kaizo- "Well, tell them to keep quiet then. Anyways Fang, Remember the torture you did on that paper?"

Fang- " Yes."

Kaizo- " SO now, I want you to try to teleport to your room and bring a dagger with yourself."

Fang- "Why a dagger and how am I supposed to teleport?"

Kaizo- "What I do to teleport is, I know the way where I have to go, if I know the way, then I will be able to teleport whenever I want and as for a dagger, I know you have them with you right now but that was the only thing that came to my mind."

Fang- "Oh okay."
He said as he closed his eyes. Kaizo motioned them to keep a distance from him. As his eyes opened again to reveal a beautiful emerald green, the door was automatically opened. It was the queen.


As she finished screaming- I mean speaking, fang jumped and disappeared.

Kaizo- "And... magic."

He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Persephone- "what was that?"

Kaizo- " YOUR SON! I thought I already told you that I was testing how his powers work but seems that you didn't listen. Good job mom. Now we don't know where he is-"

Suddenly Fang dropped in front of them, with...dust all over him.

"IT cannot get better, you teleported in the garage.. brilliant." Kaizo said, barely controlling his laughter.

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