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Okay i'm sorry to tell you guys this but i'm not to sure I want to continue this x reader anymore, I have lost basically all motivation for it and its been since feburary since I've even updated it.


I'm sorry if you (for some unknown reason) liked this x reader- I honestly did enjoy writing it, but I've just been focused on other things lately and this fanfiction just seems like it's going nowhere.

Who knows, maybe one day I will revisit this fanfiction but in a few days time I am going to probably unpublish this and put it in my drafts.

But on a slightly more positive note, I'm going to start a new Patrick Hockstetter x reader and this one is going to be 10x better :D

After all this ws the first fan fiction I ever did wirte :p

 So, wherever you are, I apologise and good morning, good evening, or goodnight x :)


 From ruby :D

Patrick Hockstetter- the angel of death- X readerWhere stories live. Discover now