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Happy anniversary to us,Tae..I wished to have you here..

*As she blown out the candle,she started to cry.She put her hands on her face,hiding her tears and despair.Heavy raindrops fell on the roof,being noisy.In that atmosphere,Dalgom and Yeontan began to bark.*

*They started to run out of the house's garden,in the rain.This made Jisoo to get up and look in the distance,after them.*

Ya..What's wrong,guys..? *She looked more carefully and saw a man ,playing with the dogs.She made a few steps to see him better.The rain was powerful,so she barely saw a man aproaching her.In one second,she could see him.Tears started to drown her eyes. She started to run in the rain,and the man started to run too.*


*She ran towards Tae and they reached each other.In rain,in front of her, was her loved one.They stared at each other and Jisoo studied his face.His eyes were calm and lovely like always.His eyes always warmed Jisoo with just a single look.She raised her hand and brought it closer to Taehyung's face.She was afraid to touch him.Like he would disappear with just a simple touch.*

*Taehyung smiled lightly and took Jisoo's hand.He put her palm on his face.*'s really you..? *said this while crying of joy*

'I'm here with you now.' *He placed Jisoo's palm along his face.He closed his eyes with pleasure.The pleasure of her touch. * 

' I won't leave you again.'

*She smiled,with tears in her eyes.*

*Taehyung brought her even closer to him,caressed her lips and then kissed her.It was a beautiful kiss in the heavy rain.But this didn't matter.They found each other again.*


-You're ready?-


*In just a moment,Ji Ah's steps could be heard ,coming.*

-We're rea- -

*Namjoon was speechless.In front of him was  the most beautiful girl he ever saw.Her straight black hair,her beautiful eyes ,her black lace dress that left the velvety skin of her shoulders visible,and her white heels that made her legs to look even longer and more seductive than they were.*

:Haha,Earth to Namjoon,we're leaving?:

*He grabbed Ji Ah by the back of her neck and her waist so she feel in his arms.He looked into her eyes and she met a pair of purple eyes.*

*He kissed her ,stroking her back.*

:What was that  for?:

*He stroked the skin of her neck with his fingertips*

-I think the vampire's desire.-

:Oh so you just did what the vampire from you wanted?Not you.:

-Let's just say  that the vampire from me is better than me.Besides that,don't leave me at the party.-


-Just don't.If  you don't listen to me,I'll suck you blood.-

:I'm terrified.*laughing* Now let's go.:



*It's  morning.Jisoo woke up to the rays of the sun tickling her eyes.She quickly got out of the bed.Taehyung was nowhere to be found.*

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