babydeku and mamabaku

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Okay so here is baby deku and mama bakugou

Setting: deku was on his way to school when he saw a little girl fall on the ground he ran over to help her when he suddenly got hit with her quirk on accident see what happens next!

No one's pov

Deku was on his way to school when he suddenly saw a little girl fall he rushed over to her once he got there he reached

Out to the little girl but the little girl got scared and used her quirk on accident than she started running away

Leaving a sleeping baby on the ground but not for long as he was suddenly lifted up "is this deku?" A voice said that was known as Katsuki bakugou

Katsuki than got up and pulled deku's bag on his back and started walking to school once he made it he started walking to the office minutes later Katsuki made it he knocked before

He went in.once he got in he saw aizawa,mic,and all might aizawa was grading papers while the other two was going over book reports but they all looked up when he came in "what is it?"

Aizawa asked immediately going over to him he than showed him the blanket and what was in it all might and mic gasped

At the baby "is that young izuku?" All might asked him bakugou nodded at him "yeah a little girl accidentally used her quirk on him cause she was startled"

Bakugou said "can I-?" All might asked bakugou nodded at him and gave him baby deku as soon as all might started carrying the baby. The baby started

Crying "Waahhh!" The baby cried out to him as the baby reached out to bakugou " young bakugou" all might said as he gave baby deku back to bakugou

Bakugou took the baby and started rocking him he than got the pacifier from his back pocket and put it in his mouth as soon as bakugou put the pacifier in baby deku's mouth he stopped

Crying and started sucking on the pacifier "why did he start crying?" All might asked him "he had just woken up but I think he's hungry" bakugou said

"Are you gonna-" before mic could finish Bakugou finished it for him "take care of him? Yeah I am" Bakugou said "oh! I should go feed him before he gets grumpy" bakugou said before he could

Leave suddenly he felt a tug on his shirt he turned to see aizawa he raised a eyebrow "huh?" "Uh good luck" he said bakugou nodded at him than he left

Once he made it back to his dorm he set baby deku down and went to his kitchen he than took out a bottle with a cute baby dinosaur on it (I'll show a picture at the bottom of everything) he than started fixing the

Formula minutes later he was finished so he went back to baby deku who was now getting grumpy bakugou picked up baby deku and started shushing him "sh sh sh it's okay baby Mama's here" bakugou

Said as he softly started rocking baby deku than he gave him the baby bottle baby deku started drinking the baby milk until it was all gone. Bakugou than put the bottle down and started to burp
Him after he finished he than Started rocking him gently than he put on some soft music as he layed baby deku on the baby mat letting him lay down

(Lol not me actually knowing that babies are supposed lay on the baby mat for 15 minutes cause doctors say it helps develop the mind😆)

He than put some baby toys on the mat as he started playing with baby deku
15 minutes later Katsuki than picked up baby deku. Baby deku than looked at katsuki which made katsuki smile softly at him "aw does mommy look good?" Katsuki asked as he booked baby deku's nose as he giggled slightly

Katsuki than took baby deku to his room and sat on the rocking chair with baby deku on his chest he than started humming to him softly while rocking

(Lol the song he was humming is 'are you satisfied' by maria I think?)

Baby deku than fell asleep a few minutes later Katsuki than slowly got up and put baby deku in the crib he kissed his forehead and his cheek "goodnight baby boy" Katsuki said as he got ready for bed and fell asleep

Time skip to a week later brought to you by me writing this at 10:28 pm😛😆😜

In the past week every one was jealous of baby deku except aizawa,shinsou,and kirishima as they had gotten the same treatment when they were babies.

The whole class gasped when they found that baby deku would be let of the hook for anything he did they were kinda jealous but than at the same time not cause well he's a baby

It was late one night after bakugou had just put baby deku to sleep and he was sleep when a light flashed though out the room suddenly light footsteps were heard a boy with green hair came from the light he than went to the sleeping

Boy on the bed and gently shook him awake "huh?" Katsuki asked half asleep still "mama?" The boy said "what?" Katsuki said still sleepy "can I sleep here?" The green haired boy said

The blonde boy just moved to the wall and let the boy in he than fell asleep quickly after "" the boy said

The next morning katsuki woke up and was about to go to the bathroom when he felt something move by him he looked down and removed the covers to see...deku "what the hell deku!!" Katsuki yelled "mhm what?" Deku sleepingly asked him "what are you doing in MY bed?!" Katsuki yelled at him "You said I could sleep here mama" deku said he than snuggled into Katsuki more

Okay guys sorry for not updating but here so um yeah

Here is his pacifier

Here is his pacifier

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Here is his oneise

Here is his bottle

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Here is his bottle

Here is his bottle

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