❤Serendipity ❤

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It was early in the morning, Jimin woke up from the bed, did his morning routines and went directly to the kitchen to make something for breakfast..while cutting vegetables for the gravy, suddenly his phone rang showing "HOBIE HYUNG✨" in the home screen.He attend the call and put it on speaker mode and kept in the kitchen counter near him..
" Tell me hyung..." Jimin continued his duty while talking to Hobie.

"Take some days off Jiminie...my mother in law is sick and we are heading to my wife's home today... So I can't open the cafe until I return back " Hobie spoke through phone..

"It's ok hyungie...no problem.. Have a safe journey " Jimin replied

" Take care bub.. I'm so sorry.. I know your situation but it's really urgent for me.. Never mind please " Jimin  smiled slightly..

" It's okk hyungie.. I'm fine with it... Text me when you reach there... Bye for now.. Take care. "

" See you soon.. Bye take care you both"with that Hobie ended up the call.. Jimin took a deep sigh and continued his cooking with a smile plastered on his face..meanwhile he heard a crying from upstairs.. He wash his hands and turn off the stove and went to his room.

"Ohhhh My little princess woke up already..!! Ohw ohw don't cry ..don't cry Mama is here baby" Jimin took the crying baby from the crib and rock her back to reduce crying.. " Is my baby girl hungry??... Don't worry mama will feed you sweety "Jimin kissed her forhead and sat in the bed near the crib.
Jimin kept the baby in his lap after positioning himself and Unbuckled the shirt and slowly started feeding her.. The baby made some whining sound in between  feeding.. Jimin slowly rock her again and watch her again drifting to her dreamland still sucking her mama's nipple..He took one of her hand and kissed the tip of the folded palm. He admired the baby girl with his heart eyes who is now completely fallen to her dream land still sucking and drinking her mama's milk...

*Flash back*
Jimin was a university student who was very bright and intelligent. In the middle of his second year , He had deeply fallen in love with a senior boy named Jaebum.Jimin actually didn't knew that Jeabum was playing around with him.. Without knowing anything Jimin loved Jaebum with all of his hearts and finally on a rainy day while heading back to home from school, both got heated up with the rainy cold atmosphere and lost their control and ended up having sex in the car....
After that incident Jaebum try to avoidJimin and didn't gave much care about him ,doesn't shows any interest in calling him or texting him.. Jimin firstly thought that it was all his imaginations and his Jaebum love him back like  before. But the next day Jaebum came near him to say good bye for ever.. He said the his parents are homophobic.. So they can't accept Jimin.. Jimin was mentally broke down and didn't know what to do.. So pathetic.. He even tried to contact him again but figured it out that he got blocked... Jimin cried a lot realizing that he got fucked up.. After some days he figured out that he was PREGNANT... This time Jimin really got scared thinking about his parents and their reputations, thinking about carrying a baby in this young age without a father he cried his heart out...
With two mindset he decided to meet Jaebum once again to tell about the pregnancy. He went to his home but it was locked.. Suddenly the rain started falling down and he entered into the sit out looked inside through the window when a sound was heared from inside ... He got shocked and tears flows down without him knowing... "Jaebum was having sex with another man in their room"... This was more than anything  for Jimin... He without caring the surroundings, starts to walk in the rain and headed back to home crying his heart out.... Two days passed away... Jimin hadn't had any food or sleep and looks really pale..He call his parents to inform about his pregnancy.. His parents were rude and jimin already expected it so he didn't felt any pain like before....He didn't knew what to do... Suddenly an idea popped up in his mind and he smiled like a phsyco...
Jimin immediately got up headed towards the nearest river and stood at the edge of the bridge and cried thinking about his past what just happened till just now .. For the last time he placed his hands on his invisible bumb and cared and said.. "FORGIVE MAMA... I'M SO SORRY BABY" with that he was about to jump from the bridge...!!! Butttttt........

Suddenly an arm came from the back and bounded his stomach and dragged him down..meanwhile he  fainted and that man took him to the hospital...

After a long hours.. Jimin woke up and realized that he was in a hospital room and looked around and suddenly he got interrupted by a voice "Hey you woke up".. Jimin saw a handsome man with heart smile as sunshine.." I'm the one who helped you"he said and Jimin slightly nodded.. "Th.. Thanks" Jimin mumbled.. "Hey no problem, by the way my name is Hoseok.. Jung Hoseok..you can call me Hobie" He said and showed a sunshine smile to jimin.."W.. Why did y.you h.. help me hyung ??" Jimin asked him with a stuttering low voice... "Ahhh.. God send me a mail telling  that you're going to commit suicide so go and help him" Hobie replied in a mocking tone..
They both laughed in that and from that moment on words Hobie was with Jimin all the time as a guardian... He told Hobie about the whole story and felt sorry for him.. Hobie and his wife Jennie were really helpful in his pregnancy and they are like his older brother and sister...its been 2yrs since they started there relation... Jimin is currently working in Hobie's cafe as barista...

*End of FlashBack*


See you in next chapter guys...... 😁💜😘

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