Chapter 4

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"You sure you don't want me to stay?" He looked at you worried as you just gave him a weak smile and nodded your head, "It's alright, Benkei.. Thanks for helping me find a place to stay..". He sighed as he could see what a wreck you are "It's no big deal. You can stay at mine if you want. I never really went home anyway". "Thanks for the offer but I will go see my cousin tomorrow morning.. He said I could stay with him until I found a new place-" it surprised you how he patted your head "Call me if you need something.". Felt his warm hand, your tears end up streaming down your cheeks "H-huh? W-what the...". You blinked in surprise, wondering why suddenly your tears just came out by themselves. The sudden warmth of him when he pulled you to his chest, made your eyes widened "Don't hold them back".

You sighed as you lay on the hotel bed "Gosh.. What am I thinking.. Crying like that..How embarrassing" you mumbled to yourself. You cried like a child, wailing and sobbing while Benkei held you in his arms. You checked your phone as the clock showed it's almost midnight. The picture of you and Wakasa could be seen as your wallpaper phone. Again you feel your heart ache. Leave alone a phone call, there is not even a text from him. Back locked the phone and put it aside, you sob. As much as you resent him, you love him more than the hatred you have for him. The thought of how he just took his leave, you remember how often this has happened. How he always even went away in the middle of your date or just canceled everything even after letting you wait for him numerous times. All the hurtful memories start coming back, choking you and making your tears streaming down more than before. Grabbing a pillow, you scream into it. Letting everything out, crying your eyes out alone in that room. Two hours passed as you lay there with a sore throat and red eyes. As much as you want to stop those tears, they somehow still managed to escape. You felt your phone vibrate as you grabbed it and saw the caller id. You furrowed your brows as you picked it up and answered it "..Hello? Senju-chan?".

-Wakasa POV-

"Where is Benkei?" His eyes looked around as Senju shrugged "Beats me..". "He said he has something to take care of and will be late" heard Takeomi say that, again he got an unsettling feeling inside of him. "You okay? You seem upset", Senju stares at Wakasa as he sighed "I have a fight with y/n..". Takeomi sighed as he heard that "Again? Aren't you two fighting too often lately? Is everything okay?". "What did you do, Wakasa? I swear if you hurt her, I will beat your ass myself." he could feel Senju glared at him as he just sat beside her "Nothing! I did nothing! I don't know what's with her lately. Her moods are really unpredictable. It's even hard to talk some sense to her. I asked her what's wrong and she just kept giving me absurd answers. Even if I explained myself, she seems not buying it.. She will calm down after awhile like usual". They could see frustration on his face. "Whatever it is, go apologies to her, wakasa. Maybe she is annoyed because of the way you are breathing" Senju smirked at him "Tell me later if she really dumped you~ I don't mind having an older girlfriend". Wakasa glared at her as Takeomi just sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Enough you two. Just give her sometimes to cool off and talk it out with her later. Senju stops trying to steal Wakasa's girlfriend. Try to find your own girlfriend or boyfriend. Let's wait for Benkei a bit before we start the meeting on how to keep Mikey and South down". An hour and half passed until they finally saw Benkei come "Sorry, something came up..". 'This smell...' wakasa furrowed his brows, somehow he could smell a familiar perfume from Benkei as he stared at him. Again that unsettling feeling built up inside of him and against he feign ignorance to it as he could hear Takeomi starting the meeting.

-End of Wakasa's POV-

You are standing there side by side with Senju. No one could make any movement as a gun has been pointed to both you and Senju's head. These two men have held both of you as hostages. You bite your lips as you could feel guilt build up inside of you "I' sorry...Senju...". "It's not your fault, y/n... It's our fault..." Senju glanced at you as she tried her best to reassure you. How does it end up like this? It all started when you received a call from Senju's number. Little did you know, Senju's phone was lost and the one who called wasn't her. When you heard Wakasa was hurt, you just hurriedly got out of your hotel room and headed to the hospital that was mentioned in that call. That's when they catched you and took you hostage. Heard you had been taken hostage, of course the four of them came. Apparently, these two men were former members of the gang that Brahman crushed once and ended up holding a grudge over them. At first they agreed to exchange you with Senju. Never anyone expected these men would bring a gun. "Do you know how much we suffer because of all of you... Because all of you..Our boss took his life" Senju scoffed "So? That's not our fault he took his life!!". "SHUT UP!!" he pressed the gun to your head as Senju gritted her teeth. "Calm down. Let's talk about this! What do you want from Brahman?" Takeomi tried to be as calm as he could. Clearly both Wakasa and Benkei try their best not to go on rampage.

A smirk could be seen on their faces "An eye for an eye". Your eyes widened when you felt he pushed you off that rooftop, looking to your side, you could see Senju also falling. The gun that everyone thought was real was apparently just a toy. Everything happened so fast. You clenched your eyes tight, given up with the thought that there is no way you would make it alive yet then you could feel a hand grab your hand. Opening your eyes, you see that Wakasa has somehow managed to grab your hand and Senju's hand. "Shit!!" you could see how desperate he held onto you and Senju. "Don't let go of my hands you two!! You hear me?!" you could hear desperation in his voice. Seems neither Takeomi or Benkei could help him anytime soon. "Let go of me, Wakasa! Holding both of us, you will fall too!!" You could hear worries fill Senju's voice as you looked at her then back at him. "SHUT UP!!! I SAID I GOT YOU TWO!!" you could see how his body started moving forward and how his hands slipped holding both of you and Senju. While they both are busy bickering, you glance down '....It's pretty high.'. Back looked up at him, you saw his gripped start loosen by seconds. As strong as he is, holding two bodies for longer won't be possible "Wakasa...Let go...". His eyes widened when hear you saying that, but what shocked him more was your melancholic smile "NO!! Don't you dare let go of my-". He could feel your other hand touch his hand that holds yours. "Your princess..." you stroke his hand "I wish it's me..". He could see the tears stream down your cheeks before you pushed his hand away. You smiled brightly at him as your mouth motioned saying I Love You. His eyes widened at the sight of your body falling, he felt like all his blood left his body. Even Senju stunned at the sight of your body lying down there. 

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