Chapter 10

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"...Are you...cheated on me..? Y/n?" your eyes widened as you looked at him in disbelief "W-what? Why did you say that?!". "Then what is it?! What did you-", "I lied!! I stopped taking the pills!!" you hang your head low as you avoid his gaze. "" you sobbed a little, before letting go of his hand. "..I lied..when you asked if I'm on pills..I lied..I stopped taking them since you constantly left me...", you could feel the silence killing you and you could feel how he stared at you "Y/n...Looked at me..". You bit your lip, scared to see what kind of face he would have. Anger? Betrayal? Disappointment? Just the thought of that, made your chest tightened. Yet the time you looked up, you could see his usual calm stoic face. "Why did you lie and do such things?", you could hear his voice sounds a little cold. Staring at his face, you know how your lies actually upset him yet he tried to hold it all together, "...Because I thought..maybe..if I'm pregnant..then maybe you would stay...maybe then I could get all your attention back...". He stared at you quietly before he sighed, "Did your parents know?". You nodded your head weakly as he scoffed "No wonder they hated me so much that day..." He chuckled as he shook his head slightly "You..I really don't get it sometimes.. What makes you think I would give up on you?". He sat back beside you as you just hung your head low. You could feel his hand grab your chin and lift your face in a gentle way, "Answer me..". "Because you always left me behind. All you talked about was Senju... I hate it.. I hate how you are so close to her!! I want that too!! I'm jealous, okay?! I hate her!! I hate how she always acts like you belong to her!! I love you and I hate it when you are close to other women.. I hate how they all looked up at you!! I..hate it..I know it's childish and selfish..but I want you for myself.. I want you to only show your good side to me only.. I hate it!! I know I'm not strong like her. That could help you in the fight.. I wish I'm her!! You have no idea how I always wish I'm her". Again your tears streaming down while you let out every word you've bottle up this whole time. He just sat there, wiping your tears away in a gentle way.

Listening to every word you say, before pulling you into his lap. Holding you close, while listening to how you hate him, how you resent him, yet how all you want was him to only look at you. The way he strokes your back and the light kiss on your forehead or your head, sure calms you down. Minutes pass as your cries cease and you rest your head on his chest. His warmth, you've longing for him. "You..aren't angry...?" you sniffled as again he cleaned your nose with his sleeve. You could feel his chest vibrate from him chuckling. His hand stroked your head, "..A bit..It just..I'm a bit upset..not because you are pregnant or losing our child.. I'm upset because you bottled everything and didn't say anything.. It just made me feel like I'm a lousy boyfriend.. Unworthy.. Undependable..". You quickly pulled away as you looked up at him with guilt written all over your face "No!! T-that's not the reason!! I just don't want to worry you..I..want you to think I'm strong too..". You could feel his warm hand scoping your cheek as his thumb caressing your cheek, "Y/n.. You are strong in your own way.. No woman has ever stuck with me longer than you. You went through my shittiest moment and helped me back to my feet.. You have your own fight and I saw how strong you are.. Hell, I don't think I would be able to make this far if it's not because of you.. Yes, I like strong people.. But I love you.. It's true I like short hair girls..but I love your hair the most..Even if you have no hair..I will still choose you over any other.. I love you because you are you..I thought you would leave me after a few months..Yet you end up sticking with me.. I love you y/n..Only you...and I know you do still love me too..". Your cheeks blushed hearing his words as you could see him smuggly smirking, "..Bullshit..". "You didn't love me?", you could feel him pulling your face closer to his as you bit your lip before looking away, "...I do..". "Y/n..look at me..Do you love me or not? Because I love you so damn much", you could feel your face getting hot and turning bright red. It took time for you until you could look into his eyes " you too..but..I'm still hating you". "I'll fix that..." you could feel his hot breath brushing over your lips as he whispered, it didn't long until you could feel his lips over yours. Never you knew you would miss his kiss this much. Pulling away, he licked his lips "Let's stop here for today.. I think we have more urgent things to talk about..".

Letting you clean up yourself, the time you go back to the living room, you could see how clean it is already. Seems while you are washing your face, he already cleaned everything up. Looking for him, you found him in your kitchen, washing all the cups. Tugging his jacket, he glanced at you, "Yes?". "I will wash it..So take it off..." you mumbled as he put the sponge down before looking at you still avoiding his eyes, "Only the jacket?". Those words sure ended up making you look up at him as you were about to scold him, yet you could see the teasing smile as you looked away again, "Stop joking around.. I'm still angry..". Chuckled lightly, he took off his jacket and handed it to you. Yet, before you managed to walk away with his jacket, again he pulled you into a kiss. You glare at him as you lightly hit his chest after he ended the kiss "Jerk..", you mumbled as you walked away. As angry as you are, he knows you are just being embarrassed and all, "Your jerk tho~". Again the two of you sat there in the living room. "Do you think..Father will agree on this?", you looked at him worried. He sighed as he shook his head "I'm not sure.. If I were him.. I don't think I will agree on this.. I meant my daughter hurts because of the guy..". "I'm sorry, waka.." you could feel like you want to cry again, yet you could feel his hand give yours a gentle squeeze "It's alright.. It's partly my fault too. I..lied too..about some stuff...". You looked at him confused as he sighed, "Promise me you won't get angry or overreacting...". Pulling your hand away, you looked at him with worries written all over your face "What..did you do..Wakasa?". "Sweetie.. Whatever you think it is.. It's not that. I didn't cheat. I just replaced your pills with placebo..". "YOU WHAT?!" you got up as you looked at him in disbelief "SINCE WHEN?!". "Now now calm down-," he could feel you hit him with a pillow "TELL ME!!!". "Ouch?! S-since you said you will take the pills" you could see how he was covering himself with another pillow. Again you hit him "WHY?!". "So you will stay with me!!!", you fall silent as you stand there staring at him. He peeked from behind the pillow as he saw you still in shock. Putting the pillow aside and snatching yours to throw it aside, carefully, he took hold of your hands "Y/n..Sweet heart...Love of my life...". Pulling you back and sitting with him, he knew he should be careful or else he would just send himself to another execution, "Look.. I'm sorry for doing that.. You see, we both are bad at this.. I meant having a talk.. All these misunderstandings.. How about we set this fight for later.. And think how to convince your parents for now. Sounds good?". You sighed as you took a deep breath to calm yourself. You knew you can't just get angry for what he did as you did the same things at him. Somehow, it made you happy knowing how he even tried to sabotage you to stay with him while you tried to sabotage him to stay with you. "..Should we..go see them? I think the faster the better..Because the wedding..It will be held next month..".

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