part 2.

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"albedo, did you need my help with something?"

"yes, i wanted to know if you would like to accompany me to dragonspine today."

"what for," you asked as you peered over albedo's shoulder to look at the notes that he was writing.

"i wish to study scarlet quartz and ancient rime. there are still many mysteries to uncover, and i decided to clear my schedule to spend time on studying it," albedo responded as he closed up his notebook and placed it into his pocket.

you looked at him curiously as he started to pack a satchel with items.

"ah, i forgot to mention. we're going now," albedo added, "i'll meet you outside of mondstadt in ten minutes."

you rushed out of the room to pack your things and albedo was left in peaceful silence. the morning light was leaking in through the curtains of his office as he continued to pack his things. he made sure to bring a tent with him since the severity of the weather was always unpredictable in dragonspine. once he felt he had everything he needed, he headed out of his office to the bridge in mondstadt's front bridge.

"albedo," you called out and waved once he was within view, "i'm ready to go!"

he nodded as he finally approached you. "we must walk to dragonspine through galesong hill. from there, we will find the closest scarlet quartz and ancient rime and study them. if it gets too late, we must stay in my lab. i'm hoping you have brought appropriate attire?"

you nodded and showed him your green gloves that also happened to match your adventure outfit. "i brought another jacket as well," you added, pointing to your large backpack which was bulging in some places. although it might have been overkill, albedo was glad that you were more than prepared for the journey.

"then let us go." and he led the way to dragonspine.

for the next few hours, the two of you traveled along the snow-covered path, collecting small chunks of scarlet quartz. the two of you would parry any attacks from hilichurls, although you tried your best to avoid them since the cold was affecting your swordsmanship. despite holding the pieces of scarlet quartz you were still affected by the freezing temperature. albedo took note of this and continued on. during albedo's experiments, he would take the pieces of the mineral and do experiments on the ancient rime, silently writing his discoveries into his notebook.

as the sun started to fall, the wind picked up. the cold bit at your noses and it was becoming too dark for albedo to see his notes. time had gone by quicker than he had expected and it would be unsafe to try and go back to mondstadt now. they would have to sleep the night out in his campsite which was luckily not too far.

once the pair arrived in the cave, they were quick to set up a fire. albedo could already see that you were moving much stiffly than normal so he told you to stay in front of the fire while he would prepare dinner. you shook your head and said that you'd take care of it. from your backpack you brought out seafood ingredients and calla lilies and mint. you informed albedo that you would be making some calla lily seafood soup. albedo was about to help you, not wanting you do all of the work even when you were still cold but you waved him off and told him that you had it under control. in a mere 15 minutes you had finished making dinner and set it in front of a table.

albedo carefully ate a spoonful of the soup and was immediately filled with warmth. the taste was light and delicate due to the mint and lilies and the crab was sweet. he watched as you also ate your soup and set down the spoon. your closed eyes and slight smile was evidence that you were satisfied with what you created. you and albedo finished your food and set up a tent to sleep in.

you spent the rest of the night talking with albedo about your recent discoveries and he listened intently. to albedo, your passion was admirable and he found it slightly endearing how you would ramble about the things that you loved. but you would also let albedo share his own thoughts and theories about the world. he found it easy to talk to someone like you who had a similar way of thinking. the hands on the clock kept ticking and he noticed that by the time it was eleven, your eyes were turning lidded and you were starting to occasionally nod off. at around midnight, you rested your head on the table and fell asleep.

albedo sighed. he carefully picked you up from where you were sitting and carried you into the tent. he set you down and placed the blanket over you, making sure that you would be comfortable. he checked on the fire to make sure that it would last the night and you would stay warm. then albedo sat beside you and opened up a book to read, and not long after he fell asleep as well.

albedo woke up to see the light of the full moon streaming into the tent. but he was confused by why he felt cold on his back and warm in his front. the cold irritated him, and he wrapped his arms around the warmth, humming contentedly. when he felt the warm shape start moving up against him, he sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, and looked around to get an understanding of what was happening. his mind felt foggy and he struggled to remember what he had been doing the night before.

he looked to his left to see that you were fast asleep. ah, so he had fallen asleep beside you. and somehow, in the middle of the night, he ended up in that position.

he stretched and got up from the sleeping bag, deciding that he would start packing up so the two of you could make it to mondstadt before sunrise. he let you sleep for a little while longer as he organized his lab for a bit and looked over his notes using only the full moon for a light source. he was glad to see that he had gathered all of the information he needed for the time being. when he saw that the sky was clear out without any signs of snowfall, he went back inside the tent and gently shook you awake.

"good morning," he greeted as you started stretching.

"g'morning," you mumbled back as your eyes started adjusting, "sleeping in dragonspine wasn't quite as bad as i imagined. are we heading back to mond now?"

albedo nodded. "yes, i believe we may go back. we will follow the path and hopefully make it back to the headquarters before the sun rises."

you were ready to leave, but still had a minor issue. since it was dark out, it would be colder than usual. albedo considered offering to hold your hand to transfer body heat, but before he could ask, you had placed a small chunk of scarlet quartz in each of your gloves. he noticed that your cheeks, nose, and ears were still slightly stained red, but you had solved this by putting on a hat from an adventure in snezhnaya. although it was large and looked a bit ridiculous, you looked much warmer already. now you were ready to leave dragonspine.

you and albedo set off to mondstadt city and arrived at twilight.


i'm starting my albedo rituals and trying not to spend any primogems. i currently am at 77 pity on event banner and have only one ten pull- but good luck to everyone farming and wishing for our little chalk prince! updates for destiny should come out faster from now on, so please be sure to follow so you can get all of the updates ;)

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