part 4.

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"albedo, you said you needed me?"

"yes, i will be out for the rest of the day and i was wondering if you could watch klee for me today.

your eyes lit up. "of course i can watch klee! anything i should take note of before you leave?"

albedo thought for a moment. "i should be back by 8 pm, but if not, please make sure she is in bed by 9. as long as she doesn't get into any trouble, it shouldn't be too difficult of a task. i last saw her near good hunter, so you'll probably find her there."

"alright! good luck on, uh, whatever it is you're doing," you said before leaving albedo's office and out of the headquarters.

once you went out, you felt the sun's bright rays bleeding into your eyes. you skipped down the stairs, two at a time, and made your way into the heart of mond. you looked around, hoping to spot a small girl dressed in red at good hunter. luckily, you quickly found klee sitting at one of the tables enjoying a piece of fisherman's toast.

"hello, klee," you greeted, approaching the child.

"hello! are you albedo's friend?" she asked as she looked up at you, "i think i remember albedo talking about you. are you here to play with me?"

slightly overwhelmed by how quickly the young girl was speaking, you replied to her questions one at a time.

"yep, i'm albedo's friend, y/n! albedo asked for me, uh, watch over you and play for the day."

klee's eyes widened and she jumped up from her chair. "yay! let's go around mondstadt and have some fun. do you wanna go to the dawn winery and blow some things up? i'm pretty sure the angry grown up isn't there right now."

you nervously chuckled, "i don't think that's a good idea, do you want to go by the shores of falcon coast instead? we could dip our feet into the water since it's a pretty hot day. what do you think about that, klee?"

"hmm, as long as there aren't any crabs... let's go!"

and so you and klee set off on a small journey to the beach. occasionally, you had to stop klee from running off to bomb some hilichurls, but you let her chase and catch lizards that you'd spot on the path. it wasn't long until you finally reached your destination.

you let klee play on her own in the sand, watching carefully as she started bringing out tiny bombs that detonated on the shores as she threw them. the crabs that were around skittered away and klee triumphantly boasted her ability to get rid of the crabs. you sat on top of a rock that was warmed by the sun and watched as the sun started to slowly set. klee played for a little longer before joining you on the rock.

"albedo says you make the best sandwiches! do you have any for klee," she asked as she eyed your bag.

you laughed. "of course i have some sandwiches. i also have some mushroom pizza if you want some," you replied as you opened up your bag to bring out the goodies. klee's eyes widened as her eyes tracked her target. the moment you set it down on the rock, klee quickly grabbed one and started eating it.

"say, klee, what else does albedo say about me," you inquired with a sudden curiosity. maybe it was a bit exploitative to be asking a child who would probably only tell the truth, but it seemed harmless.

"hmm," the sparknight started with her mouth still full with food, "albedo says his adventurer friend is very stalwart and also perspicacious and also reliable. klee doesn't really know what some of those words mean, but albedo was smiling when he said them, so it must be nice right?"

"huh? he really said those things about me," you asked aloud, feeling your face start to warm just from second-hand compliments. sure, albedo said nice things every now and then, but it was the way a teacher would praise their student. hearing that albedo made such flattering remarks was a shock from you.

"yup! and he told klee that his friend is very pretty!"

you froze in place and eyes widened. you felt frozen, like ice, but at the same time, your entire body felt hot.

you stammered, "r-really? you didn't make that up just now, did you?"

klee just shook her head as she took another bite of her sandwich. "nope! and albedo also said you were sweet just like a cecilia! actually, albedo kinda says that a lot."

the sudden rush of blood to your head almost made you feel dizzy. in your dazed state, you just repeated the words in your head over and over. pretty, sweet, pretty, sweet. were those really the words of albedo? you definitely believed the first three fancy words to have come from his lips, but something seemed almost child-like about those other two. but if he really did say that...

you were surprisingly flustered and had to take a moment to recollect yourself. you reminded yourself that you were on duty and albedo was counting on you to watch over klee. you checked your watch and realized that it was already 7 and nightfall was creeping up on you.

"hey klee, did you finish your sandwich?" you turned to the young girl, surprised to see that she had eaten several sandwiches.

she nodded. "let's go home now!"

so the two of you walked hand-in-hand, the setting sun leading the way to mondstadt and the full moon following along. now that it was night, klee was noticeably more sluggish and by the time you reached her home, she was practically half asleep. you led her to bed and she almost immediately fell asleep and starting mumbling incoherently about wanting to play with albedo's friend more.

as you closed the door to her room, you bumped into someone and quickly apologized.

of course, it was albedo.

"ah albedo, yeah, klee just fell asleep, great to see you, i'll see you tomorrow," you quickly spurted out as you tried to walk around him. seeing albedo just reminded you of pretty and sweet. you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible before you made a fool of yourself.

but before you could get to the door, albedo grabbed your arm forcing you to look at him. you noticed the way he smelled like unknown chemicals and how his uniform was slightly scuffed. the braids in his hair had fallen out. he gave you a sheepish smile when he noticed how your eyes focused on the spots on his jacket.

"thank you, y/n, for watching klee for me," he started, "i had so much planned for today but i couldn't ask any of the other knights to watch her for me. you're so reliable, i don't know what i would have done if it weren't for you."

reliable. pretty. sweet.

"oh it's no problem albedo, i absolutely adore klee. she's hilarious," you gushed before looking at your watch. "wow! look at the time! i think i gotta start heading back home."

albedo's smile turned into a slight frown. "really? would you like to stay for some tea?"

"sorry albedo, i'd love to, but maybe next time," you declined as politely as possible.

"oh. alright then. i'll see you tomorrow then," he said slowly, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

you waved goodbye and quickly went out the door. finally, you felt like you could breath normally. your face was warm again and you felt the small urge to just scream.

archons, what was going on with you?


after a long time i've returned hehe >:D update on the albedo situation: i got him in a 10 pull and a half! i think i've used up all of my luck for the rest of my life though so i dunno my chances of getting zhongli. anyway, i hope everyone gets the 5 star or 4 star character they want from the banners! votes + comments + follows are always appreciated and ty for reading <3

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