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      My beautiful wonderful girlfriend Jamie decided it was time we started seeing other people, and by “we” she meant “she”. I couldn’t believe it! Here I thought we were rolling happily along and then she just drops this bomb on me out of nowhere. I was stunned. This is when I discovered that I’m really not as smooth and smart and clever as I like to think I am. Jamie told me that she knew all along that I had occasionally been sleeping with her best friend Melissa. She also knew that Melissa was blackmailing me into it. When Melissa told me that she had said to Jamie “if you don’t fuck him, someone else will”, what she had actually said was “if you don’t fuck him I will”. So when the opportunity came up, that is exactly what she did. It seems I was a lot more stoned than Melissa was that day during the summer. I also learned, that didn’t really bother Jamie. She said that every time the three of us were together, Melissa would tease me and Jamie would glare, just to watch me squirm. She also said that the whole episode where Melissa was hiding in the corner of the room watching while Jamie and I were fucking away, they planned that. Apparently Melissa just really got off on watching, and Jamie didn’t mind. If only I had known! But apparently that’s how oblivious I am some times. What Jamie said finally pushed her to break up with me was that she heard I was sleeping with some girl from my school. I wasn’t. Other than Melissa, I really was completely faithful to Jamie. I have no idea what rumors she was hearing, but that’s the excuse that she gave. She never gave me a chance to deny it, or defend myself, or at least lie, just BOOM! Over.

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