Chapter 3.3 - The Mysterious Woman

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3. Person POV.

A woman with a gown, whichs hood almost covers her whole face, walks through the city. She needed to get some things for herself. She was going home when she heard two men talking about something interesting.

"Have you heard? This Kropp brat escaped from the clinic.", says one of the men.

"What? Really? I thought they locked him up."

"Yeah. But these two idiots somehow managed to get in their and get him out there. They tried to get him back, but they failed because he.", the man gets closer to his friend, "He killed them."

The other man's eyes got even bigger. The woman heard all this. She gets closer to the man.

"I allowed myself to listen to your conversation a bit.", she says, "Could you please tell me what happened with this Kropp?", she put the hood down to show them her face.

She had a scar on her cheek. Her hair were a mess but still looked styled. Her whole apperance was chaotic but at the same time handsome. 

"One of the Kropp brothers.. eahm.. I think his name is Remingtonmor something like that. They finally found him and his little brother-", started one of them.

"Emerson. I think his little brother's name is Emerson."

"Right. Thanks. What I wanted to say was, they brought Remington finally in the psychiatric clinic."

"They also almost got this Emerson brat! But sadly he escaped."

"And what happened then?", asked the woman while playing with a ring on one of her fingers.

"Remington escaped. His brothers brought him out there and killed the people that saw them. They are psychopaths."

"Thank you."

The woman leaves but accidentaly forgets her things.

"Madam! You forgot.. your things..", one of the men says but she's already gone.


Emerson gets out of the bedroom he slept in. He rubs his eyes. His hair are just a mess. He gets in the kitchen to get a coffee. But before he gets into the kitchen he has to walk through the dinning room. 

"Oh. Good morning Emmy.", says Remington and smiles to him.

Remington and Sebastian are already up and sit in the dinning room. Sebastian reads the newspapers which he holds in one hand and has a cup of coffee in the other hand. Remington also holds his mug filled with coffee. Sebastian looks up from the newspapers.

"Oh. Morning.", says Sebastian.

"Morning.", says Emerson while yawning, "Where's the coffee."


Emerson nods. He gets into the kitchen, where Larisa already is, and fills one mug with coffee.

Liz: "Oh. Morning Em. Did you sleep well?"

Em: "Yeah. I haven't waken up in the middle of the night the first time since Remington was gone."

Liz: "That's good. The others are also up?"

Emerson nods.

Em: "I think I'll get back to them. Do you join us?"

Liz: "Of course."

Larisa also takes a cup filled with coffee and walks back to Remington and Sebastian with Emerson. When they enter the room they sit down next to the other two. They start to talk abot everything they can think of.

Liz: "Almost forgot to ask that. Did everything work while the escape?"

Seb: "Well.. depends.."

Liz: "What do you mean with that?"

Rem: "These not-doctor doctors tried some of their experiments on me and well.. one of these turned me into a vampire.. and.. and I bit Seb and we killed them.. But please don't be scared! You don't have to! I won't hurt you. Neither will Seb."

Larisa starts to laugh lightly. The brothers are confused.

Liz: "Do you really think I'm scared of you because of that?"

Rem: "Well.. I thought so. I mean.. Vampires are known for their bloodlust. And everyone is scared of vampires."

Liz: "Everyone besides me."

Seb: "I know why I love you so much."

Sebastian gets up walks up to Larisa and gives her a kiss.

But the lovely breakfast thingy has to end soon because someone knocks on the door. The four of them look to each other. Neither of them knows if they should open it. 

Rem: "Should we open?"

Seb: "I don't know."

Em: "But we need to do something."

Then Larisa gets up and walks up to the door. The two younger brothers follow her and hide when she opens the door. They lurk around the corner. 

Larisa opens the door and the woman from the city stands in front of it.

"Hey. Eahm.. I'm sorry to bother you. But are Remington Leith, Sebastian Danzig and Emerson Barrett Kropp here..?", she asks.

"Eahm.. who.. who are you?"

She puts the hood, which she has put on again, down and looks back up tp Larisa.

"I'm their mother."

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