Chapter 26

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Luna's pov
Dani,Marko,and Paul were trying to find me a new outfit to wear even though I didn't want a new outfit.but they said that I'd be wearing it for the rest of my eternal life,so I need to look cool.for some reason Marko and Paul jumped into a clothing donation box,"it's where they got their outfits."Dani replied when I asked her why they jumped in.they threw a bunch of outfits onto the ground and eventually crawled out,Dani sorted through them."hmmm."she occasionally said as she held up some clothes and put them down,I stood there awkwardly while Marko and Paul decided to play tag in the air."I found the perfect outfit!"Dani cheered,holding up an outfit.Marko and Paul came down from the air,Dani handed the outfit to me.

Marko and Paul came down from the air,Dani handed the outfit to me

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"You're gonna look good Luna!"Marko said confidently,"yeah!smoking good!"Paul said

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"You're gonna look good Luna!"Marko said confidently,"yeah!smoking good!"Paul said.Marko glared at him and socked him in the jaw,normally I'd feel bad but in this case Paul deserved it.Dani lead me away from Marko and Paul,she was taking me to the boardwalk bathrooms to get changed.even though it smells like shit in there we didn't really have any other choice,Dani stood outside the stall I was changing in.she was kinda like a bodyguard in a way,but David didn't want to risk me getting hurt in anyway possible.i unlocked the stall door and opened it,Dani stood back and gasped."how do I look?"I asked nervously,"oh Luna,you look amazing!"she complimented me.i blushed in embarrassment,"you really think so?"I asked her.

She put her hands on my shoulders,"honey,when David sees you his jaw will drop to the floor!"she said.i blushed even more,I probably look like a tomato right now.Dani and I walked out of the bathrooms and to Marko and Paul,Paul whistled and Marko slapped the back of his head."let's head back to the cave!"Dani suggested while laughing nervously,I think she and I both knew that if we didn't intervene at that moment Marko and Paul would've probably started fighting right there."good ideas babe."Marko said,"good idea babe."Paul imitated him.

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