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" okay..?" Huh...? Who's there?
"Here let me help you up." They put out their hand and I took it to help me get up.

"Can you believe it? There is no way I'm staying here in this school forever

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"Can you believe it? There is no way I'm staying here in this school forever. "
"W-what do you mean?" I said.
"Were you listening? Ah. Probably not since you pasted out." he said it while slowly smiling.
"W-what! Why are you smiling?! tell me what happened!"
"Fine I will but first, what's your name?"
Oh umm what is my name? Uhhh.... Oh yeah!
"Yumeko Towa."

"What's yours?" I said "Shinji

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"What's yours?" I said
"Shinji. I don't remember my last name though." he said. " you seem different than the others. I can tell we are going to be great friends. " he said while smiling, he seemed okay and wait... Others?
"What others?"
"My my has your memory been erased?"
"Hey! You said you will tell me what happened!"
"okay okay I will. Long story short we were kidnapped and took here by a robot teddy bear, what's your ultimate?" he said
"Ultimate goth.What's yours?"
"ultimate gambler, here let's go to the others and you can introduce yourself to them"
"Uhh yeah sure!"
He took my hand and we went of first we went to the gym
"Hey." it was a random voice. I turned around to see girl standing by there.

"Wow! Y-you!" I couldnt speak

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"Wow! Y-you!" I couldnt speak. I was speechless! She looked amazing!
"Well thank you. You look incredible too *giggles*" "Ashley yumeko would like to introduce herself to you." Shinji said
"Of course, hello my name is Ashley fuwaka."
"M-my name is Yumeko Towa the ultimate goth!" I said shaking
"Oh my, are you okay? I'm the ultimate detective." she walked up to me grabbing my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, she was as hot as lava!
"Ashley we have to go now, yumeko needs to get to know everyone." Shinji said, she let go of me "well i guess I'll see you later, bye~" me and Shinji walked away over to the exit
"You seem to really like Ashley huh?" I turned to him immediately "w-what? D-dont be stupid! She's just a really nice person... "
"I see." He said we came across the next person
"I was not crying! leave me alone." she said
"We are just here to introduce that's all." Shinji said.
"My name is Hiro Hinata, it's not like my name is important but anyways what's yours..?"
"Oh mine? It's yumeko towa! Pleasure to meet you!"

"Come on we still have more-" I cut him off with finishing his words

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"Come on we still have more-" I cut him off with finishing his words.
"What's your ulitmate?" I asked
"Well... It's the ulitmate manga artist... What's yours?..." she seemed so sad...
"Mine is the ulitmate goth, I know it isnt really a talent..." I said
"Wow! Your outfit truly is Gothic styled!"
Um- you j-jus noticed that now?
"Well.. Thank you.."
"Come on let's go"
I followed behind him
"Well hello there! Your finally up! "

"Who are you?" I asked "Who am I? WHO AM I?! I'm Monokuma! The headmaster of hopes peak! Puhuhu! Anyways who are you?" "Oh um

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"Who are you?" I asked
"Who am I? WHO AM I?! I'm Monokuma! The headmaster of hopes peak! Puhuhu! Anyways who are you?"
"Oh um..I'm yumeko towa.." he started laughing. "Of course! Puhuhu! Anyways gather in the gym I have an speech!" Shinji suddenly stepped up. "Yumeko hasn't met everyone yet." He said I can finish up then go to the gym so I may finish up fast.
I'm going to speed run threw these so take time to remember their names!

 I'm going to speed run threw these so take time to remember their names!

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Captain Sofie
Ultimate captain

It's basically peko in a popstar outfit
Usagi komaru
Ultimate pop star

Fuyuhiko but more stylish

Fuyuhiko kuzryuu (sorry I have to keep his name like that it matches him to much)
Ultimate boss

Kaz Shiro
Ultimate pet keeper
Kaziuchi with a scarf and instead of hamsters it's nice

Gundam tanaka
Ultimate magician
His original form

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