Killing game..?

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We all gathered in the gym. This place... It definitely is hopes peak I'm sure of it.
Monokuma appeared out of nowhere
"Good morning students..!!" it said out loud
"Is it morning?" Hiro said.  "Yes it is" monokuma said "anyways! Do you know why your here???." because you kidnapped us or just are a psycho path?" ashley repiled.
"Not quite. I'll tell ya now.!! Your here because....... A KILLING GAME!"
"W-what..!?" I said out loud. "It's simple! You have to kill each other to get out of here!"

Once monokuma explained a bit more he sent us back into dorms? He said we each had our own dorm which didn't seem that bad. I went to find my dorm with was beside Ashley and Shinji I went in and I was  surprised it was clean! it had sketch books, note books everything I would want! I know I'm the ulitmate goth but I do like a bit of writing as well. It had spare clothes and a bath room like shower,toilet  and sink you get it? It did have a tv but I couldn't see the news or anything just animes which were not that bad but I would like to see the news and that like see what's happening in the world etc and it did have other types of movies like mystery solving,murder cases, happy, sad and the list goes on. It would be like you would never want to leave but of course you would.
"Ahem!! Testing testing one two-oh it's working! Why hello students, it's now supper so get your butts over to the cafeteria to get ya meals! " monokuma announce came to an end.
I got off my bed and headed over to the cafeteria everyone was there eating
"Hey yumeko, how are you doing so far?" Shinji said
"Alright.. Did he really mean a killing game..?" I said "sadly yes. None of us is going to kill because we all came to an agreement that we aren't." he repiled
I sat down and ate my food it was surprisely really good.
"So what now?" Hiro said
"Let's just get some rest we might feel better in the morning" Ashley repiled
"Yeah for some reason my head hurts real bad" Kaz said "yes! A good time always gets nice good rest! Sofia said
So we all decided to call it a day and went to our dorms.
"Yumeko wait."
I turned around to see who said that and it was Ashley "Ashley? What's wrong?" I said
"actually never mind." she turned away and walked to her dorm. I do wonder what she wanted to say..? And is anyone going to listen to monokuma? Or that black and white Bear or whatever his name is I got changed into just a pale white shirt and black shorts as pjs and got into bed.

"Everyone wake up! It's moorrrnning..!"
Oh it's just the monokuma announcement I got up and brushed my hair and got changed 
Is anyone else up yet? probably since the monokuma announcement I went out of my dorm and headed to the cafeteria an I couldn't believe what I saw...
Kaz was d-d
"DEAD..!" I shouted out loud and I ran so fast I was about to Trip
"Wow, what's wrong yumeko? I heard you shout" Shinji said
"What's the meaning for this?" Gundam said
"K-kaz he is dead..!"
Shinji came up to me and put his arms around me...
Everyone started coming out of their dorms and saw Kaz... He was taped to a chair and stabbed in the stomach...
"I-i say yumeko did it! She was the first one there was she n-not?..." Hiro said
"I swear! I didn't do it!" I said
"That's what a liar would say!" Hiro argued back
Monokuma appeared
"Oh! One of yous did to it~ guess you were really trying to get out hmm? Now let's take a look at the monokuma file!"

He handed each of us a monokuma file? 
It showed kaz death and what cause it and that.
He later said we had to investigate and disappeared
"What are we standing about for?" Fuyuhiko said
"Fuyuhiko, let's team up we would be better together!" Usagi said
"sure don't seem so happy...." they went off
"Um shinji?wanna go together? Like investigate" hiro said
"Oh um I kinda wanted to do it with yumeko but-"
"She's obviously a killer! Cmon trust me!" She dragged him along and went off.
Each and everyone got in a group and went off.
"Hey yumeko,let's investigate together,hm?" Ashley said
"Oh um sure...I promise I'm not the killer before you suspect me.."
"I don't.i know you didnt do it,I saw you go into the cafeteria in the morning"
She did?
"Oh um how?"
"I was about to go out myself to the cafeteria" she replied. "Then do you suspect anyone?" I asked
"Hmm not sure yet. Cmon let's go investigate before time runs out."

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