I wanna Leave this world with you.

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"Wait so if Leon was executed how come we saw him? And in the execution it was you?" I asked
"That was Leon my friend done something to make it look like it was me and the Leon you saw? It was me." She said
"That's why he was laughing" I said
"Yep!" She said giggling
She let out a big yawn and honestly I was tired aswell. I got into bed and curled up so I can get nice a warm and yumeko hopped in aswell and pulled me against her waist and I put my head on her chest and went to sleep.

"H-hey? Can you hear me?"
"Huh?" I said I rubbed my eyes and looked up
"Shinji? What's going on?" I asked
"Everyone was supposed to get up because monokuma had an announcement but you were the only one that didn't go." He said
"Is that bad?" I asked
"Hmm it didn't say anything about you being late." He said
"Where's yumeko?" I asked
"Yumeko? She's dead?" He said
"What?.." I said
"I'm kidding, she is hanging about with Tsumugi"

Phew. I got up and got changed into my clothes and headed out of the door with shinji
"Hey Ashley,everyone hasn't really talked much like I don't think usagi and fuyuhiko have talked ever since we got here" He said
Honestly I could agree every one is so quite.
We headed into the cafeteria and sat down with tea and a biscuit.
"This is good tea,who made it?" I asked
"I think it was chiaki?" He said sipping his tea
"She's more of a chief then a gamer" I said laughing
"Hey,what type of deceive work did you do?" He asked
"Just solve cases around the town like looking for dogs,missing people you know." I said
We were the only ones there
It was completely quiet just tapping of cups and crunching biscuits.
I finished up and just talked to Shinji a bit more before we both got up
Today was just a lazy day I don't think there will be killings for the next few days monokuma said it doesn't want killing for the next few days because he doesn't have the tiral ready and it need to do lots of work alteast that's what Shinji said to me
"Hey Ashley!" Tsumugi called out
"No reason! Just wanted to say hey so hey!" She said gigging
"Alright what's up?" Shinji said folding his arms
"Nothing hehe!" She said smiling
"Hey where's yumeko?" I asked
"Oh she said that she was going to go talk to Kokomi for a bit" she said to me
"Really?" Shinji asked and Tsumugi nodded
"She couldnt even say hello to me!" I said
"Hey guys,what are you up to." Kokomi said appearing out of no where
"Nothing ,you?" I said
"Just woke up there now." She answered
"Hey,was yumeko there with you?" Shinji asked
"For a bit I think she said she was going back to Ashley"
"Never saw her there" I said
"Hold on, me and Ashley will go check stay here" Shinji said and took my hand towards her dorm we heard someone else in there aswell. It sounded like a girl wait that's her dear friend?
"Yumeko,keep that chain on you,you will need it" She said to yumeko
"O-of course!"
I heard footsteps coming this way but nobody came out.
I opened the door just to see yumeko with a spiked collar with a chain attached to it and she was looking at me. There was no sight of her friend anywhere at all.
"Yumeko,why didn't you tell me you were gone?" I asked
"I was going to but you looked so beautiful sleeping." She answered
She walked over to me and the others and stood there
"What's with the chain?" Shinji asked
She picked it up and placed it in my hand
"My friend said to let Ashley have it." She said
"W-What me?!"
She looked up at me
"Of course." She said looking at me
With a big grin on her face
"Do you need a doctor-?" Kokomi asked
"No.im perfectly well! Right darling..?" She said placing her finger on my cheek rubbing it up and down
"We will go Ashley can stay here with yumeko." Shinji said as they went out and locked the door.
Honestly I didn't wanna be in here when she was acting like this
"hmm?" She looked up at me removing her finger
"Huh?" I said
"I'm s-Sorry I didn't wake you up. I just wanted you to get rest for putting up with me.im sorry." She said
"Wait what..?" I said
"..." She just looked up at me and wouldn't stop
She's sorry..?
Maybe she can't control this attitude,or can't help it.
I went over to her and hugged her
"Promise me you will try to change?" I asked her and she promised.

She had a spare key and opened the door and we both went out
"Did you get food?" I asked her and she said no
So we went to the cafeteria to get some tea and biscuits for her.
She ate it all up and we talked for a bit

"Hey Yumeko,Ashley mind if I borrow you for a second?" Kokomi asked
I nodded and went up to talk to her.
I heard the table bang I turned around but yumeko was just smiling and waving at me.
We went further away from yumeko and into Kokomis dorm.

Yumekos pov
Great.Alone again
That stupid kokomi Stupid stupid stupid!
"Hey yumeko,wanna hang out?" Shinji asked walking up to me
"Are you sure Shinji? I'm not myself right now." I said
But he insisted and help me up off the seat.
"Where did Ashley go?" He asked
"She  went with kokomi to kokomis dorm" I said
"She just left you alone like that?"
"Mhm. I'm used to it!" I answered back
He pulled me into a hug he felt really warm.
"Yumeko,I will be here for you I promise!" He said
"T-thank you.." I said
"No problem!"
I felt closer to Shinji then I did before.
I wonder what Ashley is doing.
What if she is cheating..? Left me for useless kokomi!
"Hey what do you think of kokomi?" Shinji asked me
"I hate-like her! She's so b-beautiful." I said
"For stealing Ashley from you? I expected jealously" he said at me laughing
"What if she's cheating..?" I asked Shinji
"I doubt it."
"Monokuma time! Hey yumeko and Shinji,yumeko look at this vid!" Monokuma said
It was a type of iPad at it showed
"Ashley and kokomi is kissing..?" I said
"Yumeko don't believe it!" Shinji said
I ran away from them.
I went into my dorm and locked it tight.
"I try to fucking improve but no matter what I do I will always be useless." I said to myself
"Yumeko,that was pure betrayal wasn't it?" Junko said.
"Junko...I feel so stupid! Why did I fall in love with such a liar?!" I said
"Since Ashley isn't there now.i control you." She said to me
She picked my chain up and pulled me up onto my knees.
After a while she stopped at gave me advice. She went away for a bit and I just sat at my door.

Back to Ashley's pov back at when they kissed
"What are you doing?!" I asked
"Monokuma told me to for extra food so yeah." She said
I got up and went to the door and opened it
And I saw monokuma and Shinji there.
It showed Shinji...
"Shinji..I can explain."I said to him
"Explain what?"
"Don't fell yumeko! And she said I had to kiss her so Monokuma gave her food or something!" I said
"Not true!" It said
"I'm afraid yumeko knows.infact she saw the vid herself.
Oh no..
I went to her door and banged on it
It was unlocked.
I went in it and yumeko was sitting in the corner.
"Yumeko.listen to me." I said
"I trusted you to. What a shame!" She said
She turned around at me

"Honestly ,What was I thinking? I was sure an idiot to think you loved me

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"Honestly ,What was I thinking? I was sure an idiot to think you loved me.heh heh" She said
"Wait.you don't understand!" I said
"I understand perfectly darl-Ashley." She said to me
"Monokuma said for her to kiss me." I said to her
"Wash your mouth with soap,even more soap and your lips and don't even be near me until then." She said and then walked away to her bed

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