Achilles Heel (Poem about song)

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Its a stupid way to feel

But youre my achilles heel

You're my weakness that consumes me

The only soft spot i have is for you

Give me your days

Give me your weekends

I just want to get our of here

Lets pack up and go

Leave this town

You could be gone

In the blink of an eye

So lets leave

Lets leave


A/N- If there are any grammar  mistakes or any places that don't seem right to you please comment.

The bolded lines are from the song "Achilles Heel" By Sarah Rachel on youtube.

Song link- 

She is also on tumblr (She gave me permission to write and post the poem as long as i give her credit (reasonable) so here is the credit)

Her music is amazing, she has 3 other songs she wrote and has done a lot of covers.

Her personal sounds are also on "soundcloud" along with youtube. She also has playlists she put together for the Harry Potter characters. Those playlists are on "vimeo"

Okay I could talk all day about how amazing she is so i'll be quiet now.

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