Chapter 16- Oh Shiz

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BANNER MADE BY: TANTARA she's awesome. And smart. Just kidding.:p

Scarlette woke up, dizzy and confused. Where was she? She sat up, but ended up lying back down because of a sharp pain in her stomach.

"Ohh... Shit." She groaned, trying to look around the room. Beeping heart monitors, pristine white room, a pitcher of water by the bedside table. It was painfully obvious she was in the hospital. She wanted to scream. She was scared and... Marshall... Where the heck was Marshall?

She started to rapidly press the red button just above her headboard and started messing around with her IV needle. A doctor and a couple of nurses quickly rushed to her aid.

"Miss please calm down." The doctor said firmly, yet gently. "You lost quite a lot of blood."

Her eyes widened. "What are you talking about? I didn't lose jack shit!" She said, denying what the doctor just said. A nurse looked at her sympathetically.

"You were unconcious then, weren't you? You got stabbed, honey. Right in the stomach. We had to operate to stitch you back up inside." She gently informed.

"No." She shook her head. "This can't be happening... Wha- where's Marshall? The boy? Man... Whatever, where is he?"

"He's right here." A familiar voice rasped weakly. "And he promised you'd be alright."

Scarlette's head snapped to the doorway and saw Marshall in a wheelchair.

"Ba-" She stopped herself. There was no way the doctor and those nurses were finding out. "Bodyguard... Are you okay? What happened?"

He gave her a lopsided smile. "I'd gladly tell you... If the hospital staff waited outside."

The doctor looked at him sourly, as if he sucked on a lemon. The nurse, on the other hand, gave a small, giddy smile before shooing the doctor out with her.

Marshall slowly wheeled to her, and as soon as he got within arm's reach, Scarlette pulled him in for a frantic kiss, and Marshall immediately responded.

"I... I thought I... Lost you." She mumbled into the kiss.

"I... Thought so... Too." He mumbled back.

She tried to sit up, but winced and lied down again.

"It... It hurts." She whimpered out. Marshall's eyebrows furrowed and kissed her cheek.

"Would you like some morphine, love? I can ask them for some."

She just whimpered in agreement, and Marshall wheeled his way out, calling for the doctor.

The doctor and nurse entered and injected some extra morphine into her IV.

"Well... As I was saying, the police got to us just after you passed out. I insisted I was fine so that I could watch over you in the ambulance, but I passed out myself. Next thing I know, I was in a hospital bed. They treated me for internal bleeding." Marshall explained slowly, letting Scarlette process everything.

"So... What now? Where are my parents?"


"Your parents contacted me, Miss Reeves. They'll be here tomorrow morning." The doctor said, quickly cutting off Marshall. Marshall glared up at him, and the doctor returned it with a slight smirk.

"So... I'll be staying here from now on. At least until her parents come." Marshall suggested, a taunting smile directed at the doctor playing on his lips.

The doctor scowled again. "Oh. I see." The doctor's eyes narrowed. "Very well Mr. Davenport. Ms. Reeves, we will be at your service. Just press the button if needed." The doctor and the nurse then went out the door.

Marshall let out a soft chuckle, stroking Scarlette's hand. "That asshole doesn't trust me." He muttered under his breath. Scarlette smiled and hugged him close to her.

"Seems so... But I really am glad you're safe Marshall." She whispered, kissing his cheek. "And frankly, that's all I care about."

♤♡♢♧ :O who thought this was an adorable chapter :D I know I did. I wrote it, of course I do :3 so uhm... If I... Get thirteen votes on this chapter... I'll update again :3 why thirteen?? Because that's my lucky number, that's why c: toodles! ♤♡♢♧

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