Chapter 13- Fight Club At The Dinner Table

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Around six in the evening, after Scarlette's work was finished, she and Marshall were called to have dinner with Scarlette's parents. Naturally, the duo were nervous and scared.

"Oh god. Dinner with my parents." She said nervously, wringing her hands.

"Holy shit. Dinner with your parents... Oh shit my bosses." Marshall said, trying to fix his hair in front of the mirror. "Do I look okay?"

She turned to him. "You look fine. Do I look okay?" She asked, straightening out her outfit.

"Scarlette..." She turned to him. "You look beautiful." She blushed and smiled.

"Thanks Marshall." She said, kissing his cheek. "You ready?"

Marshall let out a long woosh. "As ready as I'll ever be."

They nodded to each other and walked, more like marched, into the dining room.

"Hello mom and dad." Scarlette greeted formally.

"Likewise, Scarlette. Sit." Her father said, pointing to a chair across from him. She obediently sat down in the seat her father pointed at and she obediently sat down. Even with the bile caused by her fear rising in her throat, she gestured to Marshall for him to sit down next to her. With a gulp, he obliged,

"So, dad, how was Milan?" She asked stiffly.

Her father simply shrugged. "It was good... Okay boring on the most part, but we have some new potential buyers." He said, scratching his head his a salad fork, bored out of his mind. Her mother smacked him upside the head and gave him a death glare, gesturing to the fork. He put the fork down. "N-now, what happened to those reports we asked you to fill out?"

She looked down as the maids set down plates in front of them. "They're finished. And well, I hosted the gala like mom asked oh, Mrs.-"

"You asked her to put on another gala?!" Her father asked her mother, incredulous. "Do you KNOW how expensive they are?!"

"The Forrester deal was a success. I knew that they'd want a celebration." Her mother replied with a clipped tone. Scarlette shrank back into her chair a little as she tried to eat. She knew a fight was going to ensue.

"It could've been a formal dinner! With just BOTH of the families! I don't understand why you insist on pissing away our money!"

Scarlette shrank even more and started to tremble. The big guns were going to be pulled out... And her mother was going to be aiming at her.

"Me? Piss away OUR money? If anyone, Scarlette would be the one pissing away our money! All of those satanic shirts and music!" She screamed. Scarlette didn't react. She was used to it.

"Are you kidding me, Rose?! Those shirts cost seven dollars each! The dress you made her buy was four thousand dollars! AND that was from that store she goes to all the time!" He turned to Scarlette. "What was it? Cool Focus?"

"Hot Topic..." She managed to squeak out. At this point, Marshall held her knee

"Hot Topic, yeah, that! You're lucky she picked out a nice dress! You're so wasteful Rose!" He scolded.


A loud smack was heard, her mother slapped her father.. Hard.

"How dare you, Richard. Me? Wasteful? I lived on the streets Richard... And don't you forget it." Her mother threw down her napkin and left the table. Her father sighed.

"Rose, wait." He got up, and left the room as well.

Scarlette looked down at her lap and sighed. Dinners mostly, if not always ended up like this. Her parents fought it their room while she ate dinner alone. Marshall heard the soft pitter-patter of Scarlette's tears falling to her lap. Cautiously, he reached out and rested his arm over her shoulders.

"Babygirl, don't cry... Please don't." He cooed softly, wipping her tears away gently. "They'll be fine. They'll make up I'm sure of it." He kissed her temple softly. She nodded and sullenly rested her head on his chest.

"B-baby, I... Can I just go to bed?" She asked, sniffling. "I just want to go to bed."

Marshall hesitated before nodding. "O-kay babygirl. I love you. Sleep well... Or... At least try. Okay babe?" He said, massaging her hand in his. She gave him a weak smile.

"I love you too Marshall." She kissed him gently. "Good night. Sleep well, okay? I'll be fine." She let her lips collide her lover's. "I love you." She said, not letting her lips leave his.

"I love you too." He mumbled into the kiss. "Go to bed babygirl. You need to sleep." She reluctantly pulled away.

"Good night baby." With that, she solemnly went up to her room.

Marshall stayed quiet for a while, and when he was sure Scarlette couldn't hear, he slammed his fist into the table. Was her family always this way? Were her parents always this... Violent? Insane? Monstrous. Scarlette was constantly caught in the war her parents have created. She was that prisoner of war you weren't supposed to hit... But they did anyway.

He grit his teeth. Her parents didn't deserve to have the amazing daughter that they do.

He started to grind his teeth together. He couldn't stand it.

He clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. She didn't deserve this. She still doesn't, and she never will. Scarlette was such a fragile and hurt soul...

He started to tear up. She deserved better. So much better.

Tears went down his cheeks. He was going to make her feel special. He swore to himself, and to God that he would. He loved her. And he was going to be that bunker in the war she was in. He was sure of it.

♤♡♢♧♤♡♢♧ Well... That was... Intense. Leave your suggestions in the comments and show some looooovvvveee♡♢♧♤♡♢♧

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