Once A Year - Part 1

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It was only once a year that a person's birthday is celebrated. Everyone celebrates their birthday, even egos! 

Well . . . there's some that don't celebrate their birthdays. Maybe someone just doesn't remember when they were born or their birth certificate was lost or the family just can't afford it.

Other times . . . the specific person might just be an asshole who no one cares about to remember their birthday so it's not celebrated with others. 

And then other times . . . . nobody cares and that specific person is just left out.

Anti didn't care. What was the point of birthdays anyway!?

His just passed on by every year and HE never celebrated HIS. Or well . . .  no one wanted to celebrate WITH him. Was there a difference? What was the point?

It wasn't like he didn't know what a birthday was. All the Septic egos celebrated theirs and even the Ipliers, too. Anti was subjugated to even go to the Iplier birthdays with the Septics.  Or he used to, anyway. They stopped going but he assumed it was too chaotic for them.

Participating in the Septic birthdays, however, that was a completely different story. He wasn't allowed to celebrate THEIR birthdays with them ever since he had destroyed Chase's cake and burnt his new cap he got from Sean.

That was about four years ago. Now every time someone in the house had a birthday, they'd go OUT to celebrate.

Without him.

Not that he CARED!

It was nice and quiet in the house without all of them being loud and obnoxious. When they came back, however, they'd be half ass drunk talking about how great it was and that he wouldn't understand since he wasn't there.

Okay, he'd admit, it kind of hurt.

And now it was coming up on Jameson's birthday on Halloween night. His own birthday was October 10th but of course they didn't say or do anything for him like always.

Nobody did.

"Stupid fucking mute bastard" he mumbled to himself, "Everyone's so fucking extra happy all of a sudden . . . until I fucking walk in the room and then I get death glares!"

Anti was pouting in his room and it was the day before Jameson's birthday but already everyone was so excited. Jameson wasn't doing another video this time with Sean but everyone seemed even more . . .. happy for some reason. 

It pissed him off.

Suddenly his phone buzzed and he looked down at the notification.

It was Dark. 

Now  . . .  they didn't like each other but they came to a mild truce a while ago. They. . . . tolerated one another and Dark had forced them to  exchange phone numbers in case of any emergency or whatever.

'The fuck does that emo prick want? Someone fucking die again?'

Darkipoo (Anti had his name saved like this in his phone to amuse himself)
'You are coming with the other Septics to celebrate Jameson and Google's birthday tomorrow, I assume? I need to remind you to not start any arguments with either of the androids. See you tomorrow.

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