Once A Year - Part 2

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Jackie and Marvin were hanging outside with some of the other Ipliers by the pool. By this time, Google and Bing were finished updating and joined in 'talking' to everyone. Although, they all knew only Bing really wanted this party for Google. Google would have been just content on having a day to himself . . . without anyone else.

But Google was a good sport . . sort of . . and he sat in a chair far away from the pool charging himself in the sun mumbling to himself all the ways he could kill Bing in his sleep.

"So why's Anti not joining in the fun?" Bim asked the two Septics who were out with them, "He and Sean still not get along very well?" he put a fake microphone up to Marvin's face but the magician wasn't perturbed in the slightest.

"Among other reasons" Marvin sighed, petting Chica who stood by him wanting love and attention, "He's probably sulking in Dark's office whining and moping about having to spend time around normal people . . well . . normal for US anyway"

"Hm" camera Jim hummed, "That's funny"

News Jim nodded, "Jim just saw Dark inside talking with Mark about future videos and Anti wasn't near him"

"Haven't seen Anti since he arrived, come to think of it" Camera Jim concluded.

"Isn't that more for the best, though?" Jackie huffed, "Guy's a menace. Surprised he didn't just leave already after he finished helping you, Bing"


"You know" Marvin egged him on for him to realize. Bing WAS a bit daft, after all, "Dark said he needed Anti to help fix your sensors?"

"Well that's weird" Bing laughed, flipping his sunglasses down, "Haven't seen the glitchy dude all day! You sure he wasn't just lying to get to come with you guys this time?"

Sean came out holding a bowl of chips, munching on them, "I still can't believe Anti's even here. Thought I'd see him by now with how obnoxious and chaotic he is"

"Probably still sulking" Jackie snorted.

"What do ya mean?" Sean asked, "Because he had to come?"

The hero shrugged, "That and it's Jameson and Google's birthday and Halloween and none of the attention is on him anymore for this day"

Wilford bounced from out of nowhere (the roof) and in the middle of their conversation, making poor Henry bolt behind Amy for protection.


Everyone went silent and Dark must have spotted him outside and he rushed out to grab him, "William, you weren't supposed to talk about that!" he whispered angrily.

"wHAT? tHe wIg!?"

Sean dropped his bowl of chips out of shock of Wilford's other exclamation, "oH Shit. . . . you're right!"

"What we talking about out here?" Chase peeked outside along with Host, Yandere, Yancy and Illinois.

"It's nothing" Jackie huffed, "It's not like the brat cares! Anti never even mentions it, like, EVER"

"Mentions what?" Chase asked again.

"His birthday"

"He has a birthday?"

"The Host would like to roll his eyes if he had any"

The others were slowly coming outside as the preparations were finishing up only to come out to this sore subject.

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