Chapter One

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"Belle!" I heard Tabby yell at me as soon as I got out of my Honda car. I closed the door and turned to her.

Tabby was pretty. She had long black straight hair and green glowing eyes. She was tall and skinny and she had killer legs. I guess that's why she was pretty popular. Even though some of her teeth were crooked.

She gave me a hug before screaming in my ear, "You will not believe what happened last night!"

Everyone thought I was prettier than her though. I had long straight blonde hair and electronic blue eyes. I was toned and not to blow my own horn, but I had a perfect body and perfect teeth. I guess that's why I was one of the most popular girls in school.

I smiled at Tabby because it sounded like good news.

"What!?" I excitedly asked.

"Okay, so you know how Brittany and Brooks had been dating?" She asked, talking fast like normal.

Of course I knew that. There were two popular groups. Mine and Brittany's and we were constantly at war over boys.

Me and Brooks had liked each other for a while and he was going to ask me to prom, but suddenly he went for Brittany.

Rumor has it that she had something over Brooks, like an embarrassing photo or something and she used it to black mail him. It was obviously revenge on me.

Tabby continued, "Well, last night he broke it off with her. The rumors were so true! He never liked her. She was black mailing him to get at you and he finally got sick of it!" She squealed and clapped her hands.

Before I could even respond or process how happy I was Brittany and her bitch group approached me and Tabby. They had no boys with them either.

They were all ugly, I don't know how any of them were popular. But I just smiled at Brittany. I'd finally won Brooks.

"This isn't over, you know." She said in her annoying high pitch voice.

People were gathering around with phones and things. Obviously everyone had heard the news and we're expecting a cat fight.

"Shut up, chipmunk" I smirked at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me as everyone around laughed, but then her and her squad walked off without another word.
And all I could think of was the word winner.

Felicity showed up not too long after that. Her and Tabby were my mains.

Felicity was quite short but she was tan and toned. Her face was perfectly structured and she had long straight brown hair with pretty brown eyes.

Felicity gave me a hug before yelling "I am so proud of you, girl! Perfect news"

I smiled at her. I was very happy. Brooks was absolutely perfect. He had a slim face and his jaw was structured like an angel's. He had green cat's eyes and dark brown hair which he styled short everywhere expect at the front which went up like a ledge. He was tall, and made of muscle.
He was definitely the hottest guy in school.
"Have you seen him this morning?" I asked Felicity.

But before she could even open her mouth to answer, we all heard him Park his motorbike next to my car.

The way he took off his helmet and shook his head was dreamy, like a movie scene. And he suited leather so good.

Brooks walked up to me, and people turned to look. The first thing he did was give me the hugest hug.

While him and Brittany were dating, she banned him from me. No contact at all, he couldn't even look at me. It was a nightmare.

It was good to be in his arms again. I missed it a lot. Brooks placed his warm hands on my neck.

"I'm sorry, Belle" He said, "I promise I will do anything to make this up to you and I understand if you don't want me anymore" His voice was crackly.

To be quite honest, he seemed so hurt. Did he really like me this much? Was dating Brittany such a hell for him as much as it was for me?

I looked up to him and smiled and his hands shifted from my neck to my hips.

"It crushed me to not talk to you every day and not see your smile. I missed you so much. I don't have a lot to offer. All I have is love. Do me one last favor and be mine?" Brooks whispered to me. His voice was so sincere and perfect.

I giggled. "Yes, of course" I said and I heard 'Awwwwwh' echo through the school corridors.

He had never been perfect at saying things but he always tried his best. He has never been perfect at saying how he felt but every time he did, it was so sincere.

Brooks gave me one last hug before the bell rang. As he walked off with his mates, I saw him flop out his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes at him and mouthed 'text me'.

Tabby squealed, "That was the cutest thing I've seen all my life!!"

I laughed at her. But Felicity agreed and they high fived.

"By the way, Brittany totally saw that" Felicity told me, as we started to walk to class.


During first period I was bored out of my mind. But half way through Brooks texted me saying that he missed me already and I wasn't as bored.

I was very glad to have Brooks again. That will hopefully teach Brittany and her bitch squad not to mess with us.

Brooks told me that his mate, Dylan was interested in Tabby and so I told Tabby and she then immediately wanted to meet me in the bathrooms.

Once we had meet up she ran up to me.

"Which one is Dylan?!" She yelled excitedly.

"The really tall one with the blue eyes. You know the one who back flipped down that flight of stairs one time?"

She jumped up and down. "Oh my god, he is too hot!" She exclaimed.

I gave Tabby his number and they started talking. It was good because I knew that Tabby had been looking for a boyfriend but hadn't found one.

And Felicity dates another of Brooks mates, Kris. Kris is really dopey. He never gets anything. You have to explain everything to him.

I remember one time I went to Felicity's and he was there but Felicity went for a shower and he wanted toast, but he couldn't work the toaster. So I had to teach him how to do that.

And to be honest Felicity is one of the smartest girls I know. How can she be so smart and have such a dumb boyfriend? Beats me.

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