Chapter Three

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I ran out the front door and past some bushes in the forest. It was pretty cold out here, but the moon looked really pretty and elegant.

There was one tree I always climbed up. It was only a five minute walk to it. I liked that tree in particular because my mum always used to take me to it when I was little and before she died. It was an oak tree.

Mum had said that she and her sister had planted it when they were children. She used to tell me over and over again about how she did it, and each time I was more fascinated.

When I had reached the big oak tree, I climbed to the top as usual which was about five metres up and sat in a comfortable branch.

It was a quiet night tonight. Normally birds would still be chirping and singing songs, but they weren't.

I looked up at the full moon, which was giving off a large amount of light and gazed at it. I howled at the moon, as if a wolf would.

Unexpectedly, minutes after I heard a howl in reply to mine. I thought it was cute and it made me smile. Wolves were such a beauty.

Suddenly I heard leaves rustling and another howl. It was close this time, and that sort of frightened me. Wolves were beautiful creatures, but I'd never want to be face to face with one.

Some more rustling of leaves. Then, as elegant and swift as the wind, a pack of wolves ran right underneath me.

I was astonished by it for a while, to see such beauty. But then I remembered it was dark and probably no place for me. Also, Brooks didn't want me here either and he seemed pretty sure about it.

So I waited until I thought the wolves were gone and started to climb back down the tree. I tucked into Brooks' jacket as much as I could to warm up.

I had just started to walk back home when I heard a stick break from behind me, and I turned instantly to see what it was.

All I saw was a pair of deep sea blue eyes staring straight into my eyes. That moment I felt like a snake had just twirled up my spine. I was dead, for sure.

The only thing that went through my head was to run. And so that's what i did. I started to run, as fast as my legs could possibly carry me, for my life depended on it.

I was nearly out of the forest and I couldn't see nor hear anything behind me so I slowed right down to a stand still, puffing my lungs out of my chest almost.

I thought I was so safe, and yet I was not safe at all. Next an almighty growl echoed throughout the forest, followed by my piercing scream as the blue eyed wolf leapt out of the bushes.

I should of bolted at the sight of it, but all I did was cover my head and await my death. But my fate was not death.

The wolf pinned me to the ground and stared directly into my eyes before spinning it's head towards my leg. With no hesitation, it opened its jaws and bit into the flesh of my left thigh.

I screamed out in pain, but the wolf still held my leg in its mouth, blood pouring out.

The wolf finally let go, after what seemed like forever and I instantly reached forward to stop anymore blood loss. The pain was still unbearable and drained my energy.

Before leaving, the lone wolf came up and licked my face, as to say sorry. A wet and sloppy lick. Then it gave me one last sorrowful gaze before vanishing into the forest again.

I took off the skirt that I was wearing and wrapped it around my wound. I didn't know a lot about first aid, but I knew it was probably a good idea to stop blood loss.

I heaved myself up off the ground with all the effort still in me and dragged my foot along as I hopped. I knew I didn't have to walk too long before I was home and that kept me going.

The pain still shot up and down my leg like lightning but I tried to ignore it as best as I could.

I finally reached home. I crawled my way up the front stairs and past the lounge. Dad was asleep on the couch and I noticed that the beer bottles were still smashed in the kitchen. Of course he didn't bother to pick them up.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and to my room. I went into my on sweet and grabbed some antiseptic cream and bandages. I took off my blood stained skirt and rubbed the cream over the wound.

It stung a lot. Like bees constantly attacking you. It had stopped bleeding though and that was good. Then I wrapped the bandage around my thigh.

I contemplated ringing Brooks and telling him I was sorry and then decided against it. I didn't really feel like a lecture. I just felt like sleeping.

I was pretty proud of myself because of how I handled the situation. Yeah, I screamed but I think if I tried to fight it off then it would of done a lot worse. And I'm glad it didn't.

I could never forget it's eyes though. They were beautiful. Too beautiful. I almost got lost in them. But I swear to god I had seen them before. Thinking about it now, I'm sure I've looked into those eyes before. I wouldn't forget eyes like those.

I got up off the bathroom floor and changed into a baggy tee shirt. I loved baggy tee shirts. They were so comfortable. And they let everything loose, you know.

I put on some clean underwear, carefully so I didn't hurt my wound and then I curled into bed. Ahh, that was good. To finally relax. Not in the forest. Not being yelled at.

Suddenly my dog, Genie jumped up on my bed. I had forgotten about her. Awh, poor dog. I ran off without her. Genie was my little Fox terrier. I loved her so much. I've had her for as long as I can remember.

She tried to lick around my sore leg and she whined at me. I think she knew that it hurt. I gave her a pat before she curled up into my stomach and we fell asleep.

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