Chapter II - Together Till The End

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The silence was suffocating. You felt a weird fluttering sensation on your neck causing you to turned around, but there was no one there. Not a trace, gone just like the wind.

It came again, and this time you felt strong arms wrapped around your waist, someone's chin on your shoulder and a soft kiss on your neck. You whipped your head around, and this time you saw her. Bright emerald green eyes, red hair flowing down her back in soft waves. Her smile caused your lips to curve upwards.

Then there was a moment where everything froze and her face became blurry. Maybe it was always blurry, you couldn't see her face clearly, couldn't identify who the girl was. She cupped your cheeks, her forehead pressed against yours. There was something both familiar and unfamiliar about her touch but you couldn't recall what it was. She leaned forward, her lips almost touching yours before she pulled away, a dangerous smirk gracing her lips.

No. There was this little voice in the back of your mind that told you to stop, that there's something missing. Her arms around your waist suddenly turned cold and then a scream was heard, echoing the empty hallway. You turned for a second and when you glanced back at the girl, she was gone, faded like the evening sun as the moon rose up to take its place.

The screams continued and you wanted to cover your ears if it prevented you from hearing the scream of agony, the scream for help. Trust the process. That line seems familiar, the voice sounded far away. The screams became louder and you found yourself holding a gun, slowly advancing towards the green door that appeared in front of you. Green was your mother's favorite color...

Guns were armed and pointed as you walked into the room. It was pitch dark, no source of light and no widow. The door behind you slammed shut and the sound echoed in the small room. There was silence, then the scream started. Pain, you felt so much pain. Wrapping your arms around your body, you sank to your knees as the gun dropped from your hand. Your mother appeared in front of you, a warm smile and soft familiar brown eyes. She walked towards you slowly, and you wanted to run into her arms.

Then the smile dropped and a look of disappointment appeared on her face. "I gave you everything and yet you ran away from me. You left me!"

"No! Please, I didn't leave you," your voice sounded so desperate, hoping that your mother would believe you. You didn't leave her. "I didn't want to leave, they took me away."

"You. Left. Me," her words were sharp as she walked closer to you before stopping, kneeling down and holding your chin up with her fingers. "I gave you everything and yet you ran from it. A disappointment."

She pushed you away, disappearing in a fluttering of butterflies that flew out of the open window you didn't realize was there.

The room was familiar, the same four walls you had grown up with. Heavy breaths filled the room and you found yourself running out of air. You couldn't breathe, the walls were caving in and there was nothing stopping your panic.

A strangled cry left your lips and suddenly, two strong arms wrapped around you, this time warm and comforting. You were pulled out of the room by Natasha's familiar smell and the way she wrapped her arms tightly around you, placing a kiss on your forehead. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm here."

Your breaths started to even out as Natasha rubbed your back, kissing your cheek in a comforting way. She never once let you go onto your breaths even out and the room around you came into focus.

The same bedroom you'd stayed in for the last two years, which blurred together. It was endless training before they even thought about giving you a mission. Glancing at the clock, the red numbers shone brightly, as if mocking the fact that you only have four hours left onto your first mission. You were excited, sure, your training will finally be put into use and you'll show them. You'll show them that you aren't a disappointment, that you can get the job down.

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