Meanest Prologue

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"Meet the Royal LADs" That's the cliche and usual way to start a story. But naah. I prefer not to, you're in good condition and you don't need to meet them hence you'll just get a Prada with a spilled Starbucks. But do I have a choice?

mmkay. Meet the Royal LADs. You thought it's too dumb for the story to call them Lads because they are Mean Girls and the word lad, indicates a masculine.

But I doubt you'd even guess it from the start. The LAD means Louise. Alison. Devonne. If you already guessed that, I tell you, YOU WON AT LIFE. Nahh Just Kidding. You're still pathetic.

Let's get this straight without any further ado.

They are the Royal LADs. Composed by three meanest and richest girls from the Burdentale University.

Alison Worthington aka Ali.

She's the flirtiest of all of them. She's allergic to prudes and her father spoiled her too much, that even she killed her mother because she was practicing her gun skills when she was six because she wished for it. Unluckily, she shot her mother to death.

She cried annoyingly, being her usual self, she blamed her father for it and her father regretted everything and was too imbecile that he even believed from the bitchy lies her daughter told.

Btw, she's not virgin no more, she was fuck by every man from the Junior either Senior year when she was in highschool. But she always keep it tight with class. LOL.

Devonne Woodfield aka Devy

She's the Queen of the Queen of sass. Never mess with her. Y'always leave dumbfounded so don't think twice to even shot back. The students in BU always tell theirselves "Don't SHOT, just SHUT"

She's also very talented woman, not only her vocal prowess are impressing but she can manage to update her sass, witticism and especially her unbelievably unbelievable hand; that can hold up to 9 items such as, Starbucks, iPhone, Prada, Armando Caruso and other branded necessities in a luxurious life.

Her parents chose to end their marriage when she was nine and she got depressed but soon it ended because it could've been more better when they are separated because not only she got more attention, she also got luxuries each from the both side. And that what matters to her.

Louise Kenilsworth aka Lou or Lulu

She's the Queen of Pain. She may not be a lover but she's a sadist. Everytime she laughs with the gals, they pull out before they receive a hard slap coming from a laughing Louise Kenilsworth. One time her boyfriend set her up and tricked her so he received a raging punch and a towering kick from the balls which made him infertile that he can't produce any sperm cells.

Besides of being in an image of sadist and mean, she is also a heart of sponge cake. Bipolar and hypocrite much? I don't think so. She is a happy go lucky girl. A typical teenage girl. She loves fun and adventures. She is also a sassy girl, well, she learned from the best, Devy. She can comeup with a good comeback but always, I mean, ALWAYS, note the class. She can manage to do all of that with a hint of class.

Only their diferrence is....

From: 09876543210

-Hey babe. :) Wanna meet up and suck me off? :*-

Ali's reply: Sure, Be there by 10. G'nna buy some gucci condoms.

-I was telling you a joke about my dick but it's too long-

Devy's reply: Lol, I will tell you a joke about my pussy but you'll never get it.

-Wanna get laid tonight? my dick is horny-

Lou's reply: Sorry but me no got bum and u no respect like ur dick if u have one. So how will it work fez? Ttyl, Gotta go buy you an LV respect.

So you see the diferrence? They have no Queen B from the group, because they've got their own place to land on. They all have the same sass, flirt, fun and most especially class. But someone always have to lead better on, like Ali, Queen of Flirt, Devy, Queen of Sass, Lou, Queen of Pain.

And when they are collided, they are called the Royal LADs, and they're the Queen B of Burdentale University.

When you cut it short and summarize all of it,

They are the Mean Girls.

[99.99% different from the movie, Mean Girls. The left 0.1% is just the fact that my story and the movie both goes with Mean Girl. SO I DIDNT COPY NOR IT IS A RE VISE]

IrishBubblegum xoxo

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