Part 3: A Chilly Walk

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Archibald's focus shifted over to his phone, answering it and holding it up to his ear.
"Erm- Hello, this is Archibald! O-oh... it's you; Hello Emanuel.."
He answered, sitting down in his chair and fiddled with his red bowtie.

"..A visit from you would be wonderful!.. it's just- parents are going to be over soon, tomorrow to be exact..and you know how they are.."

He paused for a moment, listening to the man on the other end, hearing some pretty nasty words coming from the phone.
"Yes, yes I know, I don't like them either, but they won't be here long, just a quick chat and meal and they'll be gone... I just hope it goes over smoothly."

"..I Love you too, Emanuel. Stay safe now!"
He finally said, hanging up and sighing..dreading seeing his parents. It saddened him really, he should be looking forward to a visit from family.. it is just the family he ended up with.

Meanwhile, Bob and Larry were both walking on the sidewalk, heading straight for the grocery store. Well, they were heading to the grocery store, but Larry kept getting sidetracked and slowing them down. Bob was losing his was freezing out, and here he was having to go fetch a turkey because a particular green-haired dunce was dancing with the other one.

Larry just got done petting a dog, when he noticed Bob's less-than-impressed attitude.
"Hey, Bob? Are you okay, what's the long face for?" Bob sighed, rubbing his temples. This made Larry frown.

"I just want to go and get this turkey back to Archi before nightfall...I'm tired."

"Well... I guess, though you seem more aggravated and..stressed than tired, Bob."
Larry pointed out, making Bob glance away.

"Well it's just more reasons for me to want to get this done, now isn't it?"
He grumbled, slightly getting hateful with his words.

Larry stayed silent for a while. They two walked without either of them talking, it made Bob feel a bit uneasy, did he upset his friend? One glance up at his pal and his assumption was correct, his face said it all, and immediately made the shorter feel terrible..but before he could apologize, a familiar voice was heard.

"Hiya Bob, hey Larry!!" Yelled Junior Adams from the nearby park they just passed by, the two turned to the boy, who was running over with his friend, Laura Cadigan. Junior was seven, turning eight soon, and Laura was about a year older than him.

The two were part of Bob and Larry's show as kid actors, though mainly everyone was just themselves most of the time on screen unless they were acting out a different character for a particular story.

"W-Well heya, Junior..! Nice to see you, you too Laura! But uh.. shouldn't you two be inside..? It's chilly out here.." Bob asks the two, the only one that seems bothered is Laura. Junior on the other hand was thrilled..over what? He was unsure.

"No no! Not yet! I wanna see the first snow of the season!" He says kid wonder and excitement laced his voice.

Laura meanwhile didn't look so happy. "..Can we please go now..?! I'm gonna catch a cold!" Laura's plea would not be answered, however, as Junior climbed up the nearby slide.

"Well junior you can't expect it to snow now! It just turned November! I know it's really cold but that doesn't mean it's going to snow.." Bob points out to Junior, who objected to the statement.

"Nuh-uh! Today the weatherman said we may get snow tonight!"

"The weatherman on television can only make educated guesses..and most of them turn out to be wrong.." Stated Bob, occasionally looking over at Larry, who remained rather quiet the whole time. Junior took notice of this.

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