Chapter 49

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"Let me take you to the hotel" He say and I nod my head. We hop in my car and i lightly cry.

"Jace..." I sniff trying to stop my crying and Liam looks over at me.

"What?" He asks.

"The baby I was going to have, was going to be a boy... I was going to name him Jace." I comment.

"That's a beautiful name." Liam says and rubs my back. We continue to drive in silence and he drops me off at my hotel. I thank him and walk into the hotel. I make my way into my room and walk to my suitcase. I take out a medium size box and walk to my bed. I sit on my bed and open it up. I pick up a photo of my mum and I, I put it to the side and pick up the next photo, it is of louis and I. I throw it to the side and pick up the next picture. I look at it and tears form in my eyes. It is an ultrasound, the last one I got. I pick up the next item and it is the clothes and shoes caitlin got for him. I silently cry and I hear a knock on the door. Eva walks in and looks at me sadly.

"Dani... Oh come here." She says and wraps me in a hug. I cry hard into her shoulder and she tries to soothe me.

"What happened?" She asks. I tell her about what happened and she just hugs me tighter.

"Imma kill a bitch." She says. I wipe my eyes and Eva stands up. She walks out the room and then appears a minute later with movies and ice cream.

***2 weeks later***

I walk through the club to caitlin and hand her a drink.

"Thank you." She says, she is already drunk, as were the rest of us. Today is her bachelorette party, she is getting married tomorrow... Probably not the best timing for us to get really drunk. But it is a good thing the wedding is an afternoon party. I feel some one kiss my neck and I jump and turn around. I see ryan and give him a kiss. We aren't dating, and I know it's wrong but we both don't really like each other in that way, it's manly just a physical relationship... This makes me sound like a slut. The way I see it is, no emotional attachment, no way of me getting hurt.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be with the guys?" I ask.

"I am." He says and points to where the others are. I let out a sigh and run my. Hand through my hair.

"Let me guess louis picked it?" I say and Ryan nods his head. It was understandable it was the best club, it was actually the one Louis and I would go to when we felt like going out, all the others weren't as good.

"Hey Ryan." Caitlin slurs.

"Wow, you are drunk." Ryan laughs.

"Lil bit." She says.

"How about a few more drinks?" Ryan asks me and I nod my head.


I lay my back against the wall and take in the sort of fresh air. I can't really call air fresh here there is so much pollution around. I take a sip of my beer and slid down until I am sitting on the ground. I lean my head back on the wall and look up at the sky, it was a cloudy night but I could see stars through the gaps. I hear the door open and I turn my head. I see louis and groan.

"Please just go, I doubt that we will benefit from talking." I say and take a sip of my beer. Despite what I say Louis sits down next to me.

"I broke up with Bridget." Louis says, I pass him a beer and he gladly takes it. I have two more left to drink.

"And why are you telling me?" I ask.

"Just thought you should know... I know you hate her and all." Louis replies.

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