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***5 years later***

"Sebastian get off your sister." I yell getting our eldest child off our youngest.

"She started it." He says and clary shakes her head. Yes I did name my children Sebastian and Clary off of TMI.

"Did not." She says and they start arguing.

"Both of you stop." I say and the both stop talking.

"Guess who is home?" Louis yells walking through the door and the two kids run to Louis. Sebastian is four and Clary is three. Clary looks more like I do and Sebastian is like a spitting image of Louis.

"Hey babe." I smile and give a kiss. Both children make noises and louis and I just Laugh.

"Hey love." Louis says smiling.

"Mum clary keeps touching me." Seb says and I look down at both of them.

"Because she loves you." I say.

"Just like mummy and daddy love you." Louis says and chases Seb and clary around the house. I hear the doorbell ring and open the door.

"Hey." Caitlin says and gives me a hug. Both her children run through the door and say a quick hello to me. Caitlin has an older boy and younger girl, the boys name is Alec and the girls name is Laura. Both the same ages as Seb and Clary.

"Hi." I smile and we walk into the house. Harry runs in behind us and finds Louis.


Louis POV

I walk up behind dani and kiss her neck. I feel her relax in my arms and she puts the tea cup down. We stay like this for a moment. The kids have gone to the park with Harry and Caitlin and their children. I love our kids they were so cute and they were both quite intelligent.

"How was your day love?" I ask Dani and she turns around and puts her head on my chest.

"Tiring, Sebastian was pretending to be a fire fighter and was making siren noises and then got the hose and started wetting clary and she started crying and they both didn't have their naps." Dani says and I rub her back.

"Come on you need to have a rest." I say and drag her to the couch. I sit down and pull her onto my lap.

"How was recording?" Dani asks, her head in the crook of my neck, she looks exhausted.

"It was good only a few more songs left to record." I smile and kiss her forehead. I felt bad for Dani, she stays home to look after the kids while I go off on tours or go recording. Dani is still in a group with Eva but they don't go on many tours due to the kids.

"That's good." Dani yawns. "I missed you." She says and I look down at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused, I haven't been on tour for ages.

"I miss just us and quiet." She sighs and I laugh. I give a kiss and she smiles, her green eyes looking back at me.

Caities POV

I push Laura and clary on the swings as Harry runs around chasing the boys. Harry is so cute, I love him so much.

"Why are you staring at me?" Harry asks walking up to me.

"Some one has to." I reply and smile.

"Ouch that hurt." Harry says dramatically and holds his heart with his hands.

"Do you need the wambulance?" Seb says and I just laugh.

"Yes that would be very helpful Seb." Harry says looking down at the four year old. Seb just runs off into the play ground.

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