The Bad Boy, Cupid, & Me - One Shot [5]

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Have you ever felt like you want to fall apart and collapse into a big puddle of tears but you can't because you're too afraid, too proud to admit that you in fact actually care?

Because that's what Reece was feeling right at this moment.

"What happened, Reece?" It took an extra ounce of strength in me not to cry but deep inside, my heart was breaking for Reece, for the little kid inside him who still needed attention and love from his dad but never had it.

Reece looked up as I approached him. I gasped at his bloodshot eyes and I just grabbed him for a hug. His arms automatically wrapped around my waist.

"All I know is that there's only a 50/50 chance that he'll live. That's how bad the accident was. " Reece tried to sound carefree and as if he doesn't give a fudge.

But I knew better.

I pulled away from our embrace only to look at him straight in this deep green eyes. "You don't have to pretend like you don't care. He's you father, whatever he did or didn't will never change the fact that you love him. So don't pretend, Reece." I muttered

His jaw clenched, "It's unfair, Chloe." I almost frowned at the loss of contact when he completely pulled away. Screw you, hormones. "It's unfair because he didn't care for me, and now he's gonna fucking die. And I am worried about him?" He shook his head as if he's disgusted with himself.

I reached for his hand and he let me. "Reece," I whispered to get his attention. "Showing that you care for the man who donated sperm to your Mom isn't gonna make you less of a person. It just shows that you're a human being capable of loving, forgiving. It just shows that you're better than your father."

This time, he was the one who grabbed me. He leaned in to kiss me on the forehead. "God, Chloe. How are you capable of always saying the right words?"

I smiled. "Have you forgotten Reece? I'm Cupid's assistant.  I always know what to say and how to help him shoot the arrow."


Later that day, I had to go home and take care of Roe and his parents. Damn our dogs and their stupid hormones.

Okay, kidding. I love Roe and Bella and Oscar.

After taking a shower, I went to my bed and started checking my emails. My eyes widened when I saw thousands of emails unread from my inbox.

I mentally cursed myself for not keeping track of my messages. I clicked on the first one I saw which was sent not more than an hour ago.

Dear CA,

it's been a long time since I last messaged you about this mystery guy from my class.

Well, guess what? He finally grew the balls he's supposed to have in the first place to ask me out!

We've been seeing each other for a month now. Everything's going great. 

Thanks for everything


I smiled at my friend's email. I quickly typed a short but sweet reply in response to her

Dear, Hasti

I'm glad everything turned out well. 

I'm doing great too. 

Hang out soon, love!

CA xoxo

I clicked on the second one and frowned as soon I read halfway through the message

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