22 - Can't Sleep

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Nite couldn't sleep after August's birthday, so the alpha shifted and wandered through the forest around the pack compound.

It had to have been well past midnight when she felt the pack link.

"Where are you?" It was Persephone, who else could it be.

Nite paused, she looked over from her perch at the top of the mountain ridge, she could see Rogue Elk Park from her perch.

"On the ridge overlooking Rogue Elk Park." Nite responded.

"Stay there, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Nite curled up and laid down on the soft ground, Ghost seemed to have perked up at Persephone reaching out, but the wolf didn't try to push for control.

He was irritated at Persephone.

The same way with Nite.

She was doing her best to bleach the image of Levi pushing Persephone against the island counter for a heated kiss. It made her chest burn. It made her throat rumble in protest.

But still, Nite waited patiently for Persephone to come.

The omega ran to Nite faster than expected.

It was a half-moon that night, but the light was still bright. It made Evangeline glow something otherworldly. The amaranthine gems shined brighter than any diamond that Nite has ever seen. Ghost shook out their muzzle at the sight, the grey wolf irritated that they were willing to let go all the irritation and anger from earlier in the day.

Evangeline was perceptive to Ghost's irritation; the smell of honeyed wildflowers grew stronger as she stepped closer to the alpha wolf. The tense expression on Ghost's face softened for a second, golden eyes flicking up to the approaching omega wolf. Drawn into Evangeline's orbit like a planet around the sun, caught in the gravitational pull that was the omega's drowning eyes. Ghost huffed, their head moving to the side to allow Evangeline access to bury her snout forward. There was a shiver that spanned the entirety of Ghost's spine once the omega pushed in closer.

'Ghost.' Nite snapped; the human half was still irritated from what Persephone did earlier.

Ghost growled in agreement, the scene of Levi and Persephone playing tonsil hockey in the Pack House kitchen at the forefront of their mind.

'Ghost?' Evangeline reached out to over the pack link.

'You know why.' Ghost promptly responded back, the grey wolf taking steps away from the white wolf.

Evangeline trotted up to Ghost, but the alpha turned the other way to get space between the two.

'It didn't mean anything, Nite.' It was Persephone this time that reached over the link.

'I'm sure it didn't.' Nite bit back to Persephone.

She let Ghost run wild, the grey wolf took off like a bullet down the ridgeline.

The dull stampede of the alpha's huge paws echoed softly off the surrounding forest. Ghost didn't have a direction in mind, simply letting their instincts take the lead. It made life simple to just follow the scent of the forest and enjoy the feel of the wind rushing by while the grey wolf dodged the low hanging branches and brush.

Ghost's ears twitched.

From behind, they could hear the echo of someone else on their trail.

It was Evangeline.

So, the alpha pushed harder. Trying to escape the intoxicating scent of their mate while she chased wildly after the grey wolf. It made something warm bloom within Ghost's chest, but the alpha shook the feeling and focused on getting away.

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