CHAPTER 3: The Cloaked man

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With the wind making the leaves rustle and her body frozen in place as an unknown person dressed in a cloak collapsed below me.
His panting now subsided but grunting in pain.
She spotted the blood through on his pants.
He ripped the part where it was shredded by claws and bandage it with the same cloth.

A few minutes pass and she was still observing the situation and contemplating to help or flee as she is not in the position to add more baggage.
A sudden growl from nearby made her flinch. The man also heard it and wasted no time to stood up and bolted to the clearing near the cliff.
Isolde slowly sat herself up while observing her surroundings and took the backpack secured in her back so that she could run for it.
Climbing a higher branch to be able to see if there are multiple wolves. With the light from the bright moon.
She can detect sparkling glowing eyes of ten or more wolves nearby none has seen my presence yet with their only focus was their prey.
Glancing back to the man she saw the wolves speed towards him.

His weakened body was slumped over a huge rock as grunting in pain.
He reached inside his cloak and put out a dagger it has jewels and pearls on the hilt that shined so brightly because of the moon.
The wolves are now on the clearing and now there are more than ten.
Gazing around the area she was mortified, dozens of them are here.
None of them are on the trees which meant they weren't aware of Isolde's presence yet.

The Wolves continued to run towards the cloaked man. He noticed the beasts and was horrified by their numbers, frozen in his place mortified by the danger he's about to experience. But that was a mistake, because even before he could react the largest one probably the alpha attacked first while with a certain distance the others seems to be watching, not moving to each of their places.
The wolf leaped at the cloaked man as his hood slips down with the momentum of the fall.
They rolled into the ground , the man struggled to hold the wolf's head with the dagger on the other hand the man managed to plunge the beast on its side giving distance in between them. They continued to roll through the grass for a bit.
With the man catching himself from the fall he immediately stood up.
Placing himself into a stance. Ready to go fight again.

Both of them are eyeing one another, but what the man didn't expect was one of the other wolf leaped at him from behind and bit his arm. He cried in pain but manages to take the dagger by the other arm and strike right into the wolf's head. Staggering to stand up while the beast he just killed drops into the floor.

The wolves angered even more by the scene.
That the man killed one of their kin, the alpha was about to take charge towards him.
 Isolde who's watching this heard a bark then a growl beneath her.
They have spotted her.
Isolde leaped to the next tree but her jeans got caught into a branch.
 with all the rustling noises she made they are now fully aware of her existence

Feeling all the eyes on her, as a flight response she continued to jump from branch to branch. Not even daring to look back.
Isolde can hear the scratches on the wood and the rustle in the leaves due to the weight of the wolves, as they try catch her.
Seeing the man glanced at Isoldes direction, made the alpha snapped its eyes towards her.
One of the things Isoldes foster parents thought her was that the enemy of her enemy can be a friend.

With the choice evident.
She needed the man so the she could survive.
While still hoping trees she saw the man attacked the alpha as it was distracted by me, he finished him by plunging his dagger between its eyes
As it hits the ground, the other wolves that was following me stopped and immediately run and surrounds their alpha who was now bleeding and probably dead.
Glancing towards the man and was surprised to see him already staring,
They locked eyes, his blue eyes shines like crystals in the moon light.

Both recognizing that two is better than one.
With that thought Isolde leaped towards the man.
As if that was the que the other wolves growled at them and begun to charge.
Before they could reach the two a white light like a barrier stopped them.
Isolde glanced at the man confused.
Only to find him already looking at her direction with equal confusion with a hint of recognition.

"Wait. No."
Isolde now realizing it wasn't her he was looking at she immediately shifted her body.
A woman with a cloak, silvery golden locks sticking out of her hood, but her cloak was white.
There was a circular silver light which seems like she came out from.
Bewildered at the constant mystical events she was stoned in place.

"Quickly into the portal now!"
 the woman barked as which caused her back to senses.

Isolde aiding the man who was now bleeding from his shoulder and knees.
Entering the thing she called portal. The wolves hesitating to rush towards us.
The woman chants and the portal closes before the wolves was able to have the courage to continue their pursue.
The man collapsed and his dagger fell on the floor, being already held by Isolde he didn't fell on the ground.
She scanned her surroundings noticing that they were in a clearing in a middle of a Forest.
Isolde glanced towards the woman who has a pale complexion and panting which looks like she's about to passed out herself.
With the man's weight getting heavy she started walking then slowly lay the man on the nearest tree. Hearing the footsteps behind her she was certain that the woman followed.

"Where are we?" Isolde asked.
With all of the questions swirling in her head she settled with that.
Information is key to take precautions.
Specially when with complete strangers and unknown places.
Waited for her response which took a while as she goes to the nearest tree and sat there.

"We are on the forest near my cabin"
was all she replied. About to ask more questions for that didn't help, when she noticed the woman slowly falling.
Isolde zoomed towards her for there was a few large rock below the tree.
She caught her in time and lay her down on the other side which has more grass.
Sighing and glancing to the woman then to the man.
Isolde muttered,
"Great. Now what?" 

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