Chapter Four

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"Here stands a man
At the bottom of a hole he's made
Still sweating from the rush
His body tense
His hands, they shake."

Free days were something Taehyung didn't get often, not entirely.

Even when he did get one, it was mostly spent doing chores around the house or solving little things that needed attention, like his groceries or the fact that his dog needed to get his fur trimmed.

However, on that day, in which he was supposed to be free, none of that happened. He was, in fact, called to the hospital because, apparently there were some issues with one of his patients.

Taehyung rushed there as soon as possible, which proved to be extremely difficult since it was Saturday and the streets of Seoul were full. Disappointment, anger and other feelings he would've rather not have on a Saturday filled him when the nurses told him that it was just a false alarm and that the patient was alright.

He was angry but he wasn't the type of person to lash out so he simply shrugged it off and realized that, since he had spent almost an hour on the road, he might as well take a look around and get a coffee.

The cafeteria was not crowded but surprise struck him when he noticed that same man from the previous day sitting in the same chair, still surrounded by his guards.

And talking to Nayeon.

Taehyung wasn't the type to act on his impulses either but he found himself walking towards their table anyway, Nayeon's eyes widening once he noticed him.

"Mister Kim, I—" at that, the man, who was wearing a bright red suit that day, turned around and made eye contact with him, his lips curling into a smile. "I thought you were free today."

Nayeon seemed a little panicked so Taehyung put on a reassuring smile on his face before answering which seemed to help her calm down a little.

"I had something to take care of." He then turned his attention back to the man, who was still eyeing him with that huge smile that didn't seem real or content at all. "I didn't know this was an acquaintance of yours."

The girl stuttered for a few seconds so the man in the bright suit decided to take the matter into his own hands, raising from the chair and offering Taehyung his hand.

"Oh, we don't know each other. I was actually looking for you and I thought this young girl could help me get in touch. Well," the man shook Taehyung's hand when the doctor accepted his offer, that smile never once leaving his lips. "the odds were in my favor since we were able to meet like this."

There was something off about the man Taehyung couldn't quite pinpoint but he tried to act like everything was alright, smiling as he slid his attention to Nayeon.

"Could you give us a few minutes?"

The girl simply nodded before scattering off to her workplace, the man gesturing for Taehyung to take a seat in the now vacant chair.

"What business do you have with me?" Taehyung asked once he was finally seated, ignoring the three men hovering around them.

After staring at them for a few seconds—and noticing that they were armed—Taehyung's gaze went back to the man, whose tinted glasses were now laying on the table.

He was still smiling and, just like he knew what he was thinking, he gestured towards his guards with a careless motion.

"Ignore them." He gestured with his hand, acting like having three armed men guarding your back was normal. "Just a safety measure, for the both of us. Forgive me for not introducing myself properly. I'm Kim Seokjin."

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