Chapter Three- Do Your Part

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"No!" exclaimed the townspeople. By the time Mulan and her family arrived, a group of people had surrounded Chi Fu. People of all ages were there, however it was predominantly men.

"By order of the emperor, one man from each family must serve in the Imperial Army." He began calling out family names, men coming up once their name was called.

"The Xiao Family." A man who looked to be in his mid 20s walked up to Chi Fu, bowing and taking a rolled up piece of parchment, a conscription notice.

"The Yi Family." An old man, 50, possibly 60, was about to step forward before his son, 22 at best, held him back. "I will serve the Emperor in my father's place." Taking the conscription notice, he helped his father back to the Yi residence.

"The Fa Family."

Handing his cane to Fa Li, Zhou walked towards Chi Fu. After bowing to the horsemen, he faced Chi Fu with his head held high. "I am ready to serve the emperor," he stated, reaching for the conscription notice.

Running, Mulan stood between Fa Zhou and the roll of parchment. "Father, you can't go!"

Taken aback by her sudden words, he glances from Mulan to Chi Fu. Mulan turns to Chi Fu, clenching her fists.

"Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--"

"Silence!" To Fa Zhou, Chi Fu says, "You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence."

"You disrespect me, Mulan," Zhou states, avoiding her gaze. While Grandma Fa guides Mulan away, Chi Fu hands him the conscription notice.

"Report tomorrow at the Wu Shu camp."

"Yes, sir." He returns to the homestead, refusing to take his cane from Fa Li.

Chi Fu stays at his position, continuing to call out family names. "The Chu Family, the Wen Family, the Chang Family, the.."

That night, Fa Zhou stood in his armory with his sword in hand, practicing his stances. While balancing on his right leg, a jolt of pain struck from it, causing him to fall over. He laid on the floor, exhausted, unknowing to the fact that Mulan was watching in horror, trying her hardest to keep her breath steady.

Dinner was silent, everyone kept their eyes on their food. The only sound was the pitter-patter of raindrops outside. Tired, Mulan got up and slammed her teacup on the table, startling everyone.

Looking her father dead in the eye, she stated, "You shouldn't have to go."

"Mulan!" Grabbing Mulan's arm, Fa Li attempted to pull her back down. She stays grounded, continuing to try and persuade her father.

"There are plenty of young men to fight for China. You've already fought, you've done your part."

Trying to remain calm, he said in a shaky voice "It is an honor to protect my family and my country."

Her voice rising, she shouted "So you'll die for honor?!"

Standing up, his temper burst. In a louder tone, he yells "I will die doing what's right!"

Eyes becoming glassy, she continues. "But if you just-"

He cuts her off, saying "I know my place. It's time you learn yours."

Tears dangerously close to being spilled, she turns away and runs outside. Out in the pouring rain, the sky crying with her. She sat on the porch, staring at a puddle from the rain. She sees her reflection staring back at her, someone she didn't recognize. Turning her head, she sees her parents in their bedroom. Her mother was trying to talk to Fa Zhou, the only thing Mulan could see was hand gestures. Seeming to give up, Fa Li left the room. Her father laid in bed, blowing out the light.

Up she went, to the family temple, the stone tablets so clean she could see someone in them. She lit some incense, placing it in the hanging holder by her head. She sat down on her knees, lowering her head and praying. Once she finished, she quickly got up and left the shrine.

Walking into her parents' bedroom, she quietly takes the conscription notice from the bedside table. She puts her hair comb in its place, pausing to take a look at her parents. They slept peacefully, unaware of what their daughter was about to do.

Mulan hurries out, stepping into her father's armory. She walked over to a cabinet attached to the wall and opened it, the old armor shining with the moonlight. She then took her father's sword, taking a hold of her raven hair. Shutting her eyes, she slices it. Her grip loosened, her hair falling to the ground like feathers. She grabbed a ribbon and tied her now shoulder-length hair up in a manbun.

Gently taking her father's armor out of the cabinet, she slips the breastplate over her torso, surprised at how well it fit her. She tied the sides, then finished putting the rest on. Mulan took the sword from the ground, sliding it into the scabbard at her waist.

Out at the stables, Khan reared in fright when he sees Mulan. She continues to step forward, gently stroking his side. "Khan- Khan it's me.." She walked him out of the stables, taking a glance back at her home before leaving.

Shaking the Fa parents awake, Grandma Fa says, "Mulan's gone!"

Startled, Fa Zhou immediately sits up. "What?! It can't be-" He turned to his nightstand, seeing the hair comb in the parchment's place. He got out of bed, hurrying to his armory. He sees the cabinet open, then spots the hair on the ground. Visibly stressed, he rushes outside before stumbling on the steps.


His wife then came behind him, saying "You must go after her, she could be killed!"

Gripping Fa Li's hand, he says in a defeated tone, "If I reveal her, she will be."

Within the Fa Family temple, the center stone began glowing, emitting blue light to the stones around it. A ghostly apparition rose, who could have passed for a human had he legs instead of a trail of smoke. He, like his stone, glowed. He was just short of the opacity needed to be mortal.

The apparition motioned towards the bronze dragon sat upon the incense burner, his voice echoing through the temple.

"Mushu, awake!"

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