Part 2

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"Oh my gosh! Greg!" I screamed while running toward him. "I haven't seen you in forever! I miss you so much! You go in the hall while I ask the teacher if I can talk to you are a little bit.!"

I started making my way to Mrs.Orrigo when someone pulled my arm. I looked behind me to see the most nosiest person ever, Natasha Green.

"Who was that?" Said Natasha. "My cousin. He just came back from the army. I haven't seen him in a year." I said in a nice tone. "Oh well he is cute even though I could only see his forehead and body." I just turned around and started making my way to Mrs. Orrigo.

"Mrs. Orrigo. My cousin who just came back from the army is in the hall. Do you think I can go talk to him for a little bit? I haven't seen him in a year," I said in the most politest voice. "Sure you can. Make sure you thank him for fighting for our country." "Thank you so much. I will tell him that right now," I said while running to the door.

"You know my name isn't Greg right," I heard while closing the door to the art room. "Yeah I know. You are Justin Bieber. Why are you here in my little town anyway?" I responded back. "Well a girl named Amanda said you were having a bad week and that you could use a cheering up. Also she said you were a big fan of mine. "

It was true. I was having a bad week. "I'm not that big of a fan. I just think you have a lot of talent and a sweet back story." I said while staring at him as he played with his fingers. "You really think that?" "Yeah I don't lie. That's one thing I hate doing," I responded.

"No hats or sunglasses allowed in school!" Screamed the security guard Rich. "You better take them off or you may get kicked out," I said to Justin. "Do I have to?" "You have to," said Rich. "Well maybe I don't want to." "Then you have to leave or I can escort you out," Rich said in a mean voice.

Justin quickly took off his hat and sunglasses. Then looked at his iPhone. "I have to go. The bell is going to ring soon and I can't risk getting caught." "Ok. Can I atleast get a picture with you?" I said in a sincer voice. "Of course."

Justin then opened up Instagram then took a picture with me.

"Loved meeting @DrewLawley today. She is one of the sweetest girls ever."

I blushed a little when I read it. As Justin was just about to leave he said,"Oh and by the way. I'm going to be staying here for a little bit. So, see you around."

Justin is staying here! I wonder if he will be my neighbor.

~~After school~~

"Hey mom I'm home," I said while walking into the house. "Hey sweetheart! Can you come into the kitchen for a sec?" "Sure hold on let me just put my books down in my room."

As I opened the door to my room I noticed all my posters where off of my wall, an extra bed was next to mine and a suitcase was on the floor.

"Mom! Where did all my posters go and why is the another bed in my room?" I said while walking down the stairs.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Well, a foreign exchanged student will be living with us. He is from Canada," my mom said.


Who do you think the person is?? Leave any comments or suggestions :)

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