Request by theblackandredwolf

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its a little after noon and Lightnings sitting at home, curled up on the couch with his boyfriend when he hears a knock on the door. Doc shifts a little having been half asleep. he blinks and looks down at Lightning, whose watching the door.

"let me up I'll get it." he mumbles. Doc lifts his arm off the youngers waist and lets him up. Lightning opens the door and blinks at the blinding sun.

"you Lightning McQueen?" the man ask. Lightning looks up at him.

"uh, yeah." he mutters. "can I help you?" Lightning ask.

"my names Jackson Storm and I'm hear to challenge you." Jackson smirks, arms crossed over his chest.

"oh no thanks man. not today. its my day off, I'm just hanging with my crew chief." Lightning smiles.

"so you're a chicken then?" Jackson snorts. he turns to the two people behind him and grins. "told you the little pussy wouldn't race." Jackson grins looking at his friends smugly.

"hey now, there's no need for that." Lightning mutters.

"come on pussy. we race for pinks." Jackson grins.

"knock it off. its his day off." Doc snaps getting up off the couch. Jackson towers over Lightning but Doc towers over Jackson. "look kid, you need to fuck off." Doc says, glaring a little.

"look here you old fag, its none of your business." Jackson glares. Lightning immediately shoves Jackson.

"you leave him alone, you wanna race for pinks bring it the fuck on! you, me, and your little group of homophobes meet me in the fucking Butte in five minutes." Lightning snaps, slamming the door shut. Lightning heads for their bedroom to change into a tank top and some boxers before pulling his suit on.

"baby what are you doing?" Doc ask.

"I'm not taking shit from this shitty ass kid calling you a fucking fag. he wants a race he's got one. guaranteed this little bastard has never raced on dirt. tell Mater to meet me in the Butte in 30 minutes." Lightning said. he pulls Doc down into a kiss, smiled at him with a wink and grabs his keys. "love you Hud." Lightning said, leaving the house. he grabs the 95 and finds Sheriff following him out to the Butte, Doc must've called him. Lightning pulls up to the start line and gets out, waiting for the three assholes who showed up at his house.

"hey, Doc said you're pissed." Sheriff said.

"yeah. I am. bunch of kids called him a fag because I didn't want to race on my day off. they wanna race for pinks. bring it on." Lightning glares, grabbing his helmet. Sheriff winces a little, chuckling. Doc would stand up for the kid anyday and let himself be called whatever homophobic slurr was thrown his way, but Lightning didn't take that. he would kill anyone who was homophobic towards his beloved boyfriend. he scolds angrily, looking at Sheriff. he looks over as the whole town comes to watch, Doc included. like hell he wouldn't show up to cheer his lover on. the town is there to enforce the 'race for pinks' like the man claimed they did.

"if you don't win are you going to lose the 95?" Sally ask. Lightning snorts.

"first of all, I'm going to win, but second of all, where I come from racing for pinks means you lose your car if you lose. this car belongs to Rust*eze not me, that Camaro I drive around is my car. you know, the one on its last leg and would have to be towed out of here? yeah thats what they'll win if I magically lose." Lightning snorts. Sally smiles at little.

"need a whole team to watch you, fucking fag?" one of Jacksons friends grins.

"don't fucking call him that." Sally glares.

"bring it on you little fucking punks." Lightning glares, plopping his helmet on. he flips up the visor and glares. "but its gonna be super embarrassing to get your ass beat by NASCARS first gay racer." Lightning grinns.

"alright, no cheating, absolutely no cheating. this track hangs over a cliff, anyone dies or gets hurt, you're all getting arrested. four laps, first one to cross, wins." Sheriff warns. they climb into their cars, with Doc walking over to Lightning to lean down to him. Lightning looks up at him through the window.

"take it easy kid, they've never dirt raced. look how they drove up here. let them get a head. until the curve, don't want them seeing how you take it." Doc murmurs. Lightnings nods at him. "and for god sakes baby, be careful." Doc says softly, smiling a little.

"no worries Hud. I've got this." Lightning assures. Doc nods and heads back over to the others.

"if you're done fucking around with your boyfriend, we'd like to race." Jackson glares. Lightning ignores him. Sheriff steps out of the way, pulls his gun, and fires once into the sky. immediately three of four cars pull off. Lightning is immediately following a few feet behind them. its immediately apparent that Doc is right, they've never raced on dirt, probably never even driven on dirt before with the way they're sliding everywhere. they're bumping each other attempting to keep the track blocked. Lightning decides to ignore Docs advice for once and over takes them easily on the first curve, by the time he hits the second curve, the other three are on his tail sliding everywhere. Lightning grins and easily drifts around the corner, flinging dirt up everywhere and speeding off as fast as he could. he's already got the lead he can keep it easily, but he slams on his breaks at the finish line, just so he can watch all three slide straight off the track. he laughs and proceeds to make the other three laps by himself, before jumping out and walking over.

"I told you to stay behind them." Doc frowns.

"I was afraid to stay back with how they were sliding." Lightning frowns. "I decided it was safe to get in front of them than behind. at least I could speed around if they lost control." Lightning added, smiling at Doc. he walks over to the edge of the track, smirking down. "hey!" Lightning calls, pulling his helmet off. Jackson and his friends get out of the cars, they've ruined all three of them and they wouldn't be driving off with them.

"what?" Jackson snaps.

"hows it feel to lose to a fag?" Lightning grinned. "your cars, are mine." Lightning smirks, arms over his chest.

"no way, so fucking fag is touching my car." Jackson shouts, climbing up the cliff. his friends are immediately chasing after him and Lightning doesn't have a chance to react before he's attacked by all three.

"get off him!" Doc shouts, running over. Mack, Sheriff, Red, and Mater are ll following behind. Doc doesn't even hesitant to grab hold of Lightnings helmet and hits Jackson hard in the face with it. Mack tackles one of the others to the ground, while Red punches the other hard in the face. Mater grabs hold of Lightning and pulls him away.

"I'm okay." Lightning mutters. "I'm okay Mater. I'm good." Lightning assures. his face is bloody though, almost unrecognizable. once Sheriff finally gets Doc off Jackson, Doc kneels beside Lightning.

"hey kiddo." Doc mutters quietly. he reaches out and gently cups Lightnings face to look his nose over. his nose is busted but not broken, his head is bleeding in several spots, and his lip was busted pretty good.

"m'okay Hud." Lightning mutters. Doc pulls him up.

"you're gonna need stitches in your head. come on." Doc says hauling him to his feet. "Mater tow the cars to the impound, Sheriff throw those three in cell." Doc says, helping Lightning off to the clinic. the younger man would be okay, so everything was fine, Doc was just pissed.

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