Chapter Ten how could I forget how you feel?

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Y/n rubbed her palms roughly against both of her cheeks, wiping away her tears but the splotchy red pattern on her face couldn't conceal her crying. "You're cruel!" She yelled back, pointing an accusing finger at Rindou. "The audacity of you that you seriously think that I'd sleep with your brother." His eyes were unforgiving. The wall he had built between them was strong, but she almost broke it down, "I spend every night wishing you were next to me!" The tears were streaming again, Y/n was choking through her words, "You're a liar. You're lying to me and you're lying to yourself. You want to leave? Good. I want you gone!" With that she left the kitchen in a blazing storm. The stool next to the island thrown to the floor, a kick to the couch in the living room, stomping feet up the stairs, and a slam her bedroom door. Her room was no different. A monsoon of tears left destruction in their wake. An arm sweeping across the shelf, books tumbling to the floor. The window almost breaking at the force she used to shut it. The corpse of her radio looked up at her, mocking. Death grip on her pillow to scream into it. He could hear all of it. He could feel all of it.

Y/n's pain radiated through Rindou's own body. Clutching onto his shirt and squeezing the spot on top of his heart. Everything hurt. Curling up into himself, his dominant hand covered his mouth, his own eyes tingling with the threat of tears. His stomach was veering on emptying its contents. He was unable to physically purge his emotions the way she was. He couldn't destroy anything. Instead his mind's flow of thoughts became raging rivers. Two different currents colliding with each other. A part of him burning with guilt, the other justifying all of it. You saw the way she was acting with Ran. And you know your brother well enough to know he made his move as soon as you fell asleep?  She wouldn't really fall for it, would she? He probably fucked her in your room. Squeezing his eyes shut, droplets flung off his lashes. Bullshit, after everything you just said to her, she would've admitted to it. She would've used that to lash right back at me. But she didn't. She only been thinking about me. Wanting to be my friend. Wanting to sleep next to me. That's what she admitted to. And I've been a jackass to her. Ran came in here like a knight in shining armor. Ran always gets the upper hand. He takes what's mine and makes it his own. What makes Y/n any different? What makes Y/n different?! She's been herself this entire time. She's let me see every single side of her. Sure she pretended to be an angel around my brother but I get to see all of her. The good and the's not even bad. It's annoying but I can live with it. I've been living with it. And fuck, fuck, fuck. I love all of it. I love to read her favorite books, and those stupid songs are catchy. All of her opinions and just listening to her talk. Watching her inhabit this space. Having her around me, all the time. All of it. I'm an idiot. I need to apologize. Grimacing at his own actions, replaying everything he had said to her as he walked up the stairs. He stopped himself from knocking on her door. Guilt overwhelming him. I'll never be able to make this right. Rindou went into the guest room, sat at the end of the bed, defeated and reliving the mistake he had made.

The house finally rested as night set in. Quiet. Just like he wanted. Her stomach growled in protest. Looking down at her empty stomach, rubbing the spot and observing the disorder she had caused around the room. He's right. I am a mess. Another painful, sad stab to the chest. "Can't clean on an empty stomach." Y/n spoke out loud to no one. Walking on eggshells, she left her room to find something in the kitchen. She didn't turn on any lights, knowing the home's layout like the back of her hand. The room illuminated by the green lit clock on the stove. After settling on frozen food, Y/n preheated the oven. Arraigning the food on a tinfoil covered pan. I put too much. This is enough food for two people. Staring up at the ceiling she concluded that she'd leave Rindou's plate on the floor outside his room. I'll knock and then just go straight into my room. Time passed slowly but the oven finally beeped and she put the food inside its metal mouth. Shit, how long am I supposed to put this in for? Y/n turned towards the trash can, needing to retrieve the cardboard box the food came in so she could set the timer. Suddenly a crash filled the silence, making her jump. A hand covered in a cotton shirt smashed the glass of the kitchen door. Frozen in fear, the color draining for her face, she watched in horror as the cloth fell and a gloved hand reached to the doorknob. Unlocking the latch and twisting to open the door.
A blood-curdling scream escaped her lips and she called out the name of the only man who could save her.

Rindou had not fallen asleep, and was laying on his back on the bed. He had been staring at the ceiling, one arm swinging off the side, the other resting on his abs. The sound of Y/n's shriek had him instantly moving. Jumping from the bed and reaching under the mattress to grab his pistol. As he moved out of the room with stealth, checking the chamber to make sure he had bullets in the gun. Despite always his keeping weapons fully armed, he was consistent in double checking to eliminate any chance of error. The struggle coming from the kitchen became louder as he approached. A loud smash caused him to run into the room with his gun pointing forward, at shoulder height, ready to shoot. A man, covered by a black mask, had Y/n pinned to the kitchen counter. A revolver pressed against the back of her head. Both her hands behind her back secured in the intruder's other hand by the wrists. With her head was positioned towards Rindou he could see her eyebrow was split open. Blood spilling down her face, clouding her eyes, going up her nose with each deep breath, pooling on the counter, and dripping on the floor. The smash Rindou had heard was Y/n's face meeting the backend of the same handgun threatening to kill her. The housebreaker spoke up, deep and demanding, "Drop your gun boy. Or I'm blowing her brains out." Rindou raised both hands, kneeling down slightly and tossing his gun to the side. It slid across the floor with ease, far away from the three.

"No funny business." The stranger tilted his head towards the breakfast nook, without breaking eye contact with the Bonten executive. "Go sit." Rindou did what he was told, slowly moving across the kitchen, hands still in the air. He wanted desperately to look at Y/n and tell her everything was going to be okay. To console her in some way. She was sobbing quietly and his heart was breaking in ways he didn't know was physically possible. The thought of her being taken away or dying made his blood boil. But giving this intruder any excuse to fire his gun would be dire. Sitting now in his usual breakfast spot, images of their mornings together flashed through his mind like a photo reel. Her smile. All he could think about was her smile. Rindou couldn't let his emotions blind him from protecting Y/n. Maintaining steadiness to avoid blacking out. The man let go of Y/n's wrists, pressing the gun harder against her skull, and used his free hand to press down on a walkie talkie attached to his collar. "Pull the car up. I've got her." A higher pitched voice broke through in static, "Okay boss." Y/n didn't move but she couldn't bite her tongue any longer, "Who are you?!" Cocking the gun back with a click, the kidnapper growled, "I didn't give you permission to talk bitch." He exhaled, focus back on Rindou. "But if you must know....I'm the person that hired those idiots who blundered the job the first time. I've been trying to get my hands on you for a while now. I've always said the best way to get the job done, is to do it yourself. So here we are." Rindou narrowed his eyes, staring daggers at the man now in control of their lives, "How'd you find us?" The mask covered the stranger's facial expressions, but his toothy smile was evident even in the dark. "Don't get me wrong. It took some time. I had to be careful, especially with all those Bonten brats around all the time now. But I scavenged through Mr. Itomi's files and bank statements. Found out he purchased this house years ago. I cross referenced the address with some old family albums." The man leaned across Y/n's body, pushing up against her, "Made a lot of good memories in this house didn't you dear? This will be the last time you ever see it."

A man, also covered by a black mask, walked into the house through the back door. He flashed a car key, spinning it around his pointer finger. "Ride's here boss." This new addition became confused and pointed this other hand to Rindou, "Should I kill him?" The man who was obviously in charge became enraged, shaking and raising his voice, "YOU IDIOT! You were supposed to stay in the car!" The other man became even more dumbfounded, and both kidnappers were occupied with each other. Rindou finally took his chance. Reaching under the nook, he grabbed a hold of his hidden Colt 45. The heavy metal quickly found home in his large hand. As quickly as he grabbed it he shot the man holding the car keys in the side of the head. The loud shot followed with the sound of the now dead man's body hitting the kitchen floor. It was a wet smack. Standing up Rindou turned the gun on the other. However, the man still had his own gun pointed on Y/n, the weapon still cocked, and before Rindou could shoot him in between the eyes, the stranger pulled the trigger.


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