Chapter 4

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Rangiku POV

"MEIDO ZANGETSUHA!" (y/n) shouted as he slashed sending a black wave of energy flying, everything it touched seemed to vanish and was replaced with a hole that looked like a star-filled night sky. "Good job sweetie." I said sweetly, "Not done!" he said as he stabbed his blade into the ground, "Burēdo no kurōn!" he said as his shadow split in two and two more of him emerged from his shadows, "MEIDO ZANGETSUHA!" they shouted as they changed the landscape, "That's mildly terrifying." Asami said, "Let's go bud, I've got a surprise for you." she said, "Nothing dangerous I'd assume." I said, "Depends." she said, "On?" I said, "How willing our target is." she said.

(y/n) POV

"Ok bud, we've tracked down something very very special for our hunt, a Bount." Asami said, "Sounds dumb." I said, "It is, but this one is...unique. This one's done the impossible and is pregnant." she said as she picked me up and flash stepped away.

"Bount number 117!" Asami said coldly, "Soul Reapers." a woman said coldly as she turned and glared at us.

"What is this a mother-son outing?" she said, "W-WHAT I-I'M NOT!" Asami said visibly flustered, "What about you kid, she your mom?" the woman asked, "No

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"What is this a mother-son outing?" she said, "W-WHAT I-I'M NOT!" Asami said visibly flustered, "What about you kid, she your mom?" the woman asked, "No." I said, suddenly she grabbed me, "Close your eyes I don't want you to have nightmares of this." she said softly as she threw her flask in the air, "ZEIGE DICH, SCHLACKENTIER!" she shouted as flames engulfed her flask and transformed it.

" she said softly as she threw her flask in the air, "ZEIGE DICH, SCHLACKENTIER!" she shouted as flames engulfed her flask and transformed it

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"Now it's time for Blitzschritt." she said as we vanished and reappeared in a clocktower.

"Are you alright little one?"  the woman asked, "Yeah." I said, "I can't believe a Soul Reaper would kidnap a defenseless child! Oh, where are my manners?! I'm Yumi, it's nice to meet you." she said sweetly as she walked to a crib in the corner, "Mama's home. Did you miss me, Yuri?" she said softly as she picked up an infant, suddenly the door exploded, "You have something that belongs to me!" an all too familiar voice said angrily, "Aoi." I said coldly as the dust settled.

" I said coldly as the dust settled

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"Hello little (y/n). Did you come back all alone again?" she said as I drew my zanpakuto, "Aw, someone's overly confident now that he's got a rusted blade." she said, "Yumi, run!" I ordered, "NO I'M NOT LEAVING A BABY TO FIGHT!" Yumi yelled, "SLAUGHTER THEM, ZETSUMI," I shouted, "You called me, my master." Zetsumi said as she took my blade, "Oh this is gonna be fun." she said as a dark gleam shown in her eyes, "Come little girl I'd like nothing more than to cut you to ribbons with my rusted blade!" she said as she rushed at Aoi and kicked her through the wall, "FINALLY FOUND YOU!" Asami said angrily as she threw the flask at Yumi, "GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE RIPPING YOUR WINGS OFF LITTLE BUTTERFLY!" Zetsumi laughed sinisterly, "Open it." I said, "Oh no! I'm not letting you kidnap him again!" Yumi said, "Kidnap? I'm his teacher, his mother knows he's with me. You're his kidnapper." Asami said, "Oh..." Yumi said as Asami opened the senkaimon, "ZETSUMI! HOME!" I yelled, "OH COME ON! TEN...ELEVEN MORE MINUTES!" Zetsumi complained, "KENPACHI!" I yelled making her sigh, "Twist my arm why don't ya, I don't interrupt you when you're having fun." She complained before I kicked her into the portal, "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Aoi shouted flew past me and through the portal.

"OH, THE DEAD WOMAN'S COME BACK FOR MORE?!" Zetsumi said I took a deep breath, "MAMA!" I screamed, "ROAR! HAINEKO!" Mama shouted as dust fell on Aoi, suddenly millions of tiny cuts appeared on Aoi, "MEIGETSU!" Asami shouted as she slashed at the ground beneath Aoi, suddenly black energy erupted beneath her and engulfed her, "Strike, Doku." Aoi said coldly, suddenly her spiritual pressure exploded and her new form was revealed.

" Aoi said coldly, suddenly her spiritual pressure exploded and her new form was revealed

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"You fools drove me to embrace the abilities of my zanpakuto. This shall be your end." Aoi said arrogantly.


Dust to Dust (male child reader X adoptive mother Rangiku Matsumoto)Where stories live. Discover now