Reclaiming Homeland

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Okay then lad I'll do my best. I chuckled and said okay hook the never sea will hold you to it. I smiled and called out all hands to your stations jumping onto Bucky! I smiled and said Bucky set sail follow the tide. I smiled as I called never sea hear me take me to my heritage bring me home! I smiled and felt a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach and knelt down and began reflecting on things and sighed as I realized I was missing my inheritance I had left on pirate island. I blushed and said   hit me! I smiled as she dusted me with pixie dust. I chuckled and said Marina guide them my love I must run an errand I shall return. I blushed and said my brother I need you to accompany me back to Pirate island momentarily. I blushed and shifted as I flew higher and said Skully my winged friend I entrust to you the protective custody of the heart of neverland I know you will do well. I smiled and flew off accompanied by Peter. I smiled and landed retrieving my inheritance and the team's treasure chest and smiled as I dusted it to make it lighter and flew side by side with Peter as we carried it back to Bucky. I blushed and called all hands prepare to storm the beach. I blushed and sighed as I sang

I blushed and smiled as I heard an outcry of el Rey Vive y volvió a nosotros! I smiled and jumped onto the shore and sang

To arms merlantis! We take back our home together rally the kings men and March on the castle! I smiled as everyone took up arms. I chuckled and sang

I blushed as I saw my arch nemesis ursa and called hold together ready the line! I blushed and said neverland and sea rally head the call defend your self!

I blushed and said archers ho! I smiled as ursa was struck down and said it's over ursa give up or die. I blushed as she laughed and said stupid boy you understand nothing if you kill me others will take my place mark my words! I growled and said you will never win I will never abandon my kin. She chuckled and said you already have once you foolish boy. I blushed and said I had no choice my father sent me away. Now I've returned and I will stand between you and everything you seek to ruin. I smiled as my father rose and killed ursa and said it is done restore the honor of our family.

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