Hobin X Taehoon ~ You are my best gift

841 42 12

Requested by : cwabbyyy
Written : 3/11/2021
Updated : 6/11/2021

Setting : Chapter 83-84

Plot : What if Taehoon goes with Hobin instead of Geaul? Buying presents, but not for Bomi....


"W-Will you like to go with me?"

The black coloured short hair boy gazing his feet intensely while standing fidgety in front of the person he asked.


The boy slightly peeked at him as the said guy never responded.

He gasped the moment he met with the brown color orbs who seemed to be shocked by his invitation.

"A-Ahem. For what. Hobin."

The mullet coughed dryly, trying to erase the awkward and tension in the air which actually did not succeed to do so. His strong aura caused the boy to be more anxious.

"Er...... I want to buy something..... You know... That.... Valentine's day..."

The boy who addressed as Hobin, his face turned red and started to stammering.

The mullet clicked his tongue in annoyance as he saw the boy rubbing his fingers uncomfortably. Until the fingers were printed with some faintly red marks.

"I didn't mean to scare him..."

The mullet ruffled his hair in an unfriendly way, he muttered under the breath before moving his eyes back to the boy who still lowered his head at him.



"So does that mean you had agree, Master Seong!?"

Hobin pounced towards his master like a kangaroo.

Taehoon jolts and shifted his body away from Hobin's sudden appearance. Taehoon couldn't resist the boy's puppy eyes, he made a defeated sigh while nodding his head lightly.

Hobin jumped around happily and stepped towards his room to change his outfit.

Taehoon burst out his smile by his unexpected cute action. The corner of his lips dropped afterwards, sadness cross his eyes as the conversation from Jihyeok just now kept lingering in his head.


"Master, where do you want to go?"

"I don't know."

Touching a hand to his mouth, Taehoon stifled a feigned yawn of boredom.

"Then, how about grabbing us some lunch first? I couldn't walk without eating anything.."

Hobin was likely to sense his master's boredness. He randomly pointed at one of the restaurant beside them.

Taehoon noticed his finger and followed his direction.

It was a MicDonald.

Taehoon was then again moved his eyes back to the shorter boy beside him. Shooting a fake smile to himself, still pointing at the MicDonald.

Taehoon raised his right eyebrows. Then, he hummed as a reply and wrapped his arms around Hobin's shoulder.

Hobin jolts at his sudden skin contact.

His face covered with a light hue, he faced downwards to avoid showing his red cheek to the mullet.

"Welcome. Eh? It's Hobin!"

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