-Settle In-

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"Are you gonna look through those boxes?" Erykah asks me gently.

"I don't know yet," I admit, "and I'm honestly too tired to think about it right now."

"Get some rest," she advised me, pausing whatever game she'd been playing to focus on me. "I'm just waiting on a source to get back to me."

"What about?" I wonder.

"Frank Castle," she replies excitedly. "He's been looking into that gang rising in the ranks. Valhalla...there have been rumors about his identity on the dark web."

"You're trying to unmask him, aren't you?!" I admonished. "Erykah, these people kill without hesitation! This isn't one of your video games! This is dangerous-"

"-I want him found because one of those assholes murdered Vivian!" she spat.

"Wh-wait, you said she was mugged!" I whispered, feeling a tightness in my chest.

"I lied," she admits. "It was wrong of me, and I apologize for that. But you weren't in the best state of mind when it happened. I didn't want to pile it on. I planned to tell you the truth when you got here because you're much better now."

I was a little angry, but I also understood her reasoning. After I lost Dean, I was a wreck. I tried to lose myself in dangerous ways—no wonder she didn't feel she could tell me the truth.

After thinking it over, I decided, "If you're going to pursue this, I have one condition."

"What is it?" She asks as I get up and open a drawer in our TV stand.

I pulled out my handgun, a Beretta M9A1. I bought it after Erykah had told me about the alleged mugging. I'd had it registered and learned how to clean and use it. I haven't had to, but I wouldn't be defenseless. I load the gun and cock it before I give her an answer.

"I'm going with you," I state.

"Yes, ma'am," she agrees with a wide-eyed gaze.

"Good," I confirm. "Let's go."


My source led us to the docks. A shipment of guns was to arrive from the Russians, and Valhalla planned to buy them. I wondered if their leader would show up. That's what I'm after—either that or a sighting of Frank Castle or maybe Daredevil! Ever since the Battle of New York, I have made it my mission to tell the stories of heroes and vigilantes alike.

The media is woefully ignorant and prejudiced! These extraordinary people have been through horrible things, and they use it to help people like us! Whether as ruthless as Frank or as righteous as Steve Rogers, their truth needed to be heard. I mean, if I meet any of them, I'd be thrilled. I'm a nerd at heart; sue me.

I was surprised that Lacey had a gun. Dean's death has done a number on her. The rigid control she exerted over her life had been shaken. Now, she seemed to have gained it back, but now it felt like there were things I didn't know about her.

She pulled out her gun as we hid near the drop between a couple of crates.

"So what exactly has Valhalla been up to that involves Frank Castle?" She asks me.

"My contact told me that the leader must be someone from his past," I informed her. "Remember the shootout with three women who had been caught in the crossfire?"

"Yeah," she answered. "What about it?"

"Those women looked like Karen," I croaked. "Everyone knows that she's under his protection. It was a threat. This person wanted to break him."

The Punisher: Blood Feud (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now