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Gulzaar's POV.

I wake up due to the penetrating sunlight falling on my face. I blink to focus on the surrounding. A hand is holding my waist, that's when I remember what happened last night.
Yesterday, he looked like my Haadi. I thought i had lost him years ago. But I am happy he is still there somewhere.

I had already given up on my stupid revenge plan last month when I realised I am developing feelings for him. It was clear as daylight. The way I lost my shit when I saw him with some girl. The way I wanted him to look at me, laugh with me with stars in his eyes. I was avoiding him. I didn't want to be anymore obsessed with him than I already am. I never in my wildest dreams had imagined he would accept this marriage.

He told me I am his and the euphoric feeling that encompassed me at that moment when I realised there was a hint of jealousy and lot more of possessiveness in his voice was amazing.

It finally felt like I have found my Haadi after this long game of hide and seek. But there is still so much to work on. We have to rebuild our relationship. I turn around, mapping his features to my memory. He has turned more handsome over the years, his stubble giving him a matured look. I run my finger along his nose, his lower lip which looks so kissable.

Astagfirullah! What's happening to you Zaar?

I keep staring at his lips, they are a lighter shade of red, his cupid's bow made to perfection. I shriek as he flips us, I am now under him, at his mercy. The thought spikes my heartbeat. Was he awake?

"Can you stop eye raping me now, wifey?"

Whoa! That's so much different from the Haadi that hates me. This one has a mischievous glint in his eyes. This one looks more boyish, resembling my childhood friend.

Gosh! He caught me staring at him.

"Very much halal, Mir sahab. I can stare and devour, no questions asked." His eyes widen at my bluntness. Good. So I can still catch him off-guard.

I pull him down on me completely, kissing his nose, eyes and then his cheeks. "Good morning!" He groans at my whisper, "Don't start what you can't finish, Gul"

Gul. Finally. Finally I get to hear that from his mouth. Oh how I had longed to hear that for years now. I peck his cheeks again just to rile him up more. He places his mouth on my neck, a shiver passes down my spine. There is a pinch in my stomach when he whispers Gul against my skin, so softly. Is that what they call butterflies in the stomach? Then I am feeling the entire zoo here.

He places wet kisses all along my neck and collarbone. There is no place that his lips haven't traced. I feel a stinging sensation, "Haadi" it was a half plea half moan. I myself don't know what is happening.

His hands begin roaming the inside of my tee, mine run across his back, his taut muscles at my fingertips. He is purely masculine. He pulls up crushing his lips to mine, and the next instant all I feel is as if I am floating.  My eyes shut close on instinct. I can feel his lips moving against mine. The pressure just enough to feel pleasurable.

I hold his face in my hands, my thumb swiping across his jaw. He bites my lower lip slightly and it's the sweetest torture I have encountered so far. I wanted time to freeze and let this moment last forever. My first kiss. I never thought it would be this beautiful. It was beautiful and so much more than that.

Our tongues clash, emotions exchanged, unspoken promises made and a bond invisible to naked eye was formed. I feel tingles shoot up my spine when he presses his chest to my bosom. He pulls back slowly, staring into my eyes and for the first time in eight years I see the adoration back in his eyes for me. This is the first of many times I am feeling the happiest.

He places his forehead against mine both of us breathing heavily.
"Don't you have to go to office?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then get up. I will make breakfast for you. " He looks up at me surprised, "You know how to cook?"

"Of course, my mom wouldn't let me live it down if I didn't know" I grumble remembering how she forced me to learn cooking.

"You don't have to cook for me. I can do with the cook's food."

I frown, "Who said I was asking you? I was telling you I am cooking. Now get off of me."

He shakes his head and gets up from the bed going into his washroom. Time to show your skills Zaar.

Half an hour later, breakfast is ready and I rush towards the guest room to get ready. I have to ask the maids to shift my clothes to his room.
"Haadi come down fast!"

Just then the doorbell goes, I open it. What is he doing here?

"Hey, sweetheart! Missed me?"

What the hell?

"Siraj....  I mean Raj what are you doing here ?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Zaar, look if you are not happy with him we can be together. Just give it a thought. I meant what I said yesterday. I also wanted to confess to you, I did not willingly reject you eight years back. It was Ahad who threatened me. He said you don't really like me. And that I am no match for you. Now I know he said that out of jealousy. This time I will fight for you."

"What the fuck are you doing at my house. Leave before I make sure you can't, not on your own legs atleast." Ahad's voice booms from behind me and I don't miss the tremor of fear in Siraj.

But I am too shocked at the revelation. Both of them bicker for a few minutes and Siraj leaves. Haadi walks to me concerned, trying to make out what I am feeling.

Why would Haadi threaten him back then?
"Haadi! What was he saying? Why would you threaten him? "

He seems hurt at my question."So you still like that jerk? Did you ever stop Gul? Why did you marry me then?" there is so much pain in his voice.

"God! Haadi no. That's not what I meant. I don't like him anymore. Even back then it was just infatuation which I got over the next day." I say hurriedly before a misunderstanding develops.

He comes to me kissing me deeply in the lips. "Good, because I was not letting you go either way. I love you Gul. Not today or since the day we married. I have been deeply in love with you ever since I laid my eyes on you. I had only realised that eight years ago. And when I confessed to you, you rejected me so brutally tearing us apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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