A tragedy and miracle

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Don't you ever have days where you wish you were in a another world? A world where you are free, free from all your troubles and grief. Well on this unfortunate night, this is exactly what this young boy still in his single digit age felt after loosing his beloved mother.

Running around the rainy forest with his tears mixing in with the cold raindrops, he grieved and wished for his mother to come back. He hoped to be in a world where she never fell ill, a world where she was still alive, a world where demons never roamed about.

Goosebumps slowly formed on his small arms from the chill of the cold night, he slowly came to a stop slouching over with his hands on his knees panting for air. Clenching his teeth in frustration he let his desires run wild "if only I could have been born in a alternate world" he thought, which became the key to something he never expected.

The smell of something unfitting to his surroundings made his way towards him, unlike the cold wet smell of rain water and plants, it was a smell of spring like a sweet blossom in a garden. Raising his head up with red owlish eyes he peered towards a cave a few steps away, despite nothing being there he felt a strange attraction pulling him in.

Was it simply because it was a place to shelter himself that lured him, or was it really something else? The boy didn't know but he didn't stop to think as he headed towards it. stepping his muddied zori sandles in the small puddles of water he wondered into what he thought was a cave, but the moment the tips of his foot entered his surroundings instantly changed.

It was as if he was transported in an instant, instead of a dark gloomy cave it was a vast meadow of spring. With his guard up he carefully began to examine his surroundings. Though nothing caused his senses to feel a sense of impending danger, he knew better than to relax.

The world around him seemed straight out a fairytale from the books his late mother would read to him and his younger brother. Wiping his tear drenched and pink brushed eyes with his soaked sleeve, his suspicions gradually subsided from the gentle and comforting air that held him.

The one thing that prevented him from running back to the home that no longer had such invitation. Walking through the meadows of never ending beauty, he eventually found himself at a very peculiar spot with what seemed like a veiled maiden in the distance.

 Walking through the meadows of never ending beauty, he eventually found himself at a very peculiar spot with what seemed like a veiled maiden in the distance

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A woman with lavish hair that seemed as if spring had bloomed on her head, spreading throughout and rooting into the ground like stems of a tree. Quietly examining the strange figure he knew it was no human who dazedly stared towards the horizon, but yet he couldn't classify her as a simple demon just yet, due to the sun in the distance whose authenticity couldn't be determined.

He snuck up towards the woman who stared upwards, what he hoped to be quietly but the sounds of his footfalls on grass failed him. He could tell the maiden knew he was there, yet she didn't move so much as a finger almost like a statue. Slowly walking to her side with his eyes still plastered, a centimetre more of her revealed to him each second until her profile was finally in sight.

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