Two suns and one blossom

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Another few years flew as quickly as seasons changed for kohana, and as promised kyojuro had come and went as easily as walking, the amount of times exceeded their abilities to count on both their hands combined. Each time Kohana was left unaffected by the flow of time, and each time kyojuro grew farther apart from that crying boy she saw that day, Into a strong dashing adult.

"Kohana! I came to visit!"

Kyojuro came calling. Before he knew it, she became a special existence only he knew. Never had he even uttered a word about her to anyone else, not only because he wished to protect the maiden, but because he cherished her so he was afraid her kindness would be taken advantage of, ripping her away from him.

But of course, everything has its exceptions.

"Waaah, ani-ue where is this place?"

A young boy said, popping out from behind kyojuro with a gaze of awe. The flowers fluttered in the wind and changed, plastering her emotions in a form of nature from the happy surprise that came to greet her. Walking out of the pond that glistened like shattered glass under the sun, the winds were quick to dry her as she skipped towards them.

"Senjuro this is Kohana, Kohana this is my younger brother Senjuro!"

She knelt down and smiled lavishly at the boy, blooming pink flowers on her antlers warranting an even greater interest in the boy.

"Senjuro was wondering where I've been disappearing to from time to time, so I thought it would be easier to show him by bringing him, is that alright?"

Straightening back up, the small trinkets decorating her veil and antlers tinkled, answering his question with her ever smiling expression. She took them both by hand, holding one small one in her right and another she could barely wrap her whole hand around in her left. Escorting them around while listening to the chatter of the two brothers,

"Ani-ue where is she taking us?"

"I have no idea!"

Kyojuro instantly replied with a proud expression, confusing and shocking Senjuro while Kohana gave a closed eyes smile. Even when she made no sound, kyojuro was sure that she was giggling inside with a hope that he could maybe one day hear it himself. What kind of voice would it be? The sound of a small songbird? The smooth sound of a distinguished lady or perhaps a shy whispering voice.

"No matter how many times I come here, I never know where she takes me! It's always a surprise!"

"This must be quite a big place then, but it really is beautiful"

"Hmu, perhaps even bigger than our world, it always changing, right Kohana?"

She responded with both a proof and an answer, fading the world into another great view, changing even the texture of the floor beneath their feet. Kyojuro loved every single one she produced, no matter the temperature or atmosphere, but if he had to choose the scenes he loved the most were the ones birthed from her emotions.

Just by looking at the world around them, the flowers on her head, the temperature of the winds, he could easily tell what she felt despite her smile, and along with it he could always tell what she wanted to say. Especially after experiencing her story, he could always see the hint and clues she leaves behind and piece them into words one way or another.

Instead of a forest or meadow, this time Kohana took them to sea. A sea with emerald and sapphire waters, washing against the glistening shore. But even as they neared the vast body of water, she didn't stop her steps nor planned to.

"Wait a second, Kohana!"

Kyojuro said in a worried tone, but his troubles were for naught as the ocean itself blended at her will. It created a tunnel so great not even the strongest of sharks dared to near, it made them think just what power was hiding in those gentle hands of hers?

She continued to escort them through the ocean, a clearer view than anyone could get. Filled with marine life that man had ever seen, and those they have not, even the limitation of real and fantasy couldn't stand in her way.

"Kohana you never cease to amaze me!"

He grinned happily towards her, offering praise that did not fall short of being worthy for her deeds. She responded by letting two of her best goldfish come swimming by and through the tunnel, defying even the natural laws as the fish swam through air and around the pair.

"I don't think I can see our world the same without comparing it to here"

Senjuro said cuddling the small fish in his free hand.

"Both worlds has its perks! So when we get the chance let's show Kohana ours! And maybe we can find something comparable for her! If it's even possible that is!"

Kyojuro chuckled, releasing kohanas grip from his hands, he wrapped his around hers as tight as she would allow him. Kohana looked up towards him delighted at his gesture, smiling an alluring smile as her colour scheme turned into that of bright reds and pinks. It sent an inexplainable feeling through his stomach, pushing all the heat in his body to his cheeks and ears as he glowed a similar colour as her.

He quickly snapped his head towards the opposite direction, covering his mouth with his free hand to hide his bashful expression from his brother and her

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He quickly snapped his head towards the opposite direction, covering his mouth with his free hand to hide his bashful expression from his brother and her. But instead it only gained their attention more as they noticed his red ears just barely peaking out his hair. A woman of few words, but had the power to never fail at making him feel a pleasant fluttering in his heart.

"But ani-ue is Kohana san able to go out? How come she never has?"

His brother made a fair point, snapping him out of his trance to look at Kohana for answers. But strangely she didn't come to face him like in the past, instead going as far as facing the other way as if she was purposely trying to hide. leaving him completely clueless, void of any answers other than an ominous feeling and his own thoughts.

Was it because she was scared to go? Or she didn't know how to, he was left on his own to wonder. They spent a leisurely time, like a family of three, immersed with laughter and glee walking down a path that unfortunately had an end. They neared the last of their time, and it was time for them to depart once more along with the two fishes that followed them. She saw them off at the same place they met, sending them with the same goodbye wisps, with only the difference of her faded smile once they stepped away.

 She saw them off at the same place they met, sending them with the same goodbye wisps, with only the difference of her faded smile once they stepped away

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