Reunions are Bittersweet

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Another new chapter!!!!!!

Harry Potter was sitting silently in his office, trying desperately to tidy up his papers and read through a letter from the Minister for Magic, or as he called her, Hermione. He was just drafting a reply when his door burst open and Ginny stood in the doorway, holding a redheaded women who was familiar to Harry. Behind them came Luna with a dark haired man. It was like looking in a mirror. The man looked exactly the same as Harry other than the obvious lack of a lightning bolt scar, brown eyes and square glasses. The familiar redhead had sparkling green eyes, and she kept looking nervously from the man to Harry.

Lily looked at James, then back at her son. He was so much older now, and he was like a carbon copy of James, other than the eyes.

"Ginny, who are these people?" Harry asked the woman holding Lily.

The woman, Ginny, explained quietly to Harry, who looked shocked. Lily just stood there, trying to believe this was happening and she wasn't just dreaming. Ginny had finished explaining the situation to Harry, who stood silent for a minute. He then got up from his desk and walked across the room to a small painting. He whispered something and it opened. He felt around inside it for a minute then pulled out a small vial of clear liquid. He walked back over to Lily and James and then told them to take a sip each. They obliged, and Harry sat back down.

"What are your name's?" He queried, glaring at them slightly.

"James Fleamont Potter" James replied quickly.

"Lily Marie Potter, nèe Evans" Lily answered, smiling at her son.

"Lily, what is your Patronus?" Harry asked.

"Doe" lily said, slightly saddened at the fact he called her by her first name.

Harry nodded, then turned to James. He told him to turn into Prongs, which he promptly did. Harry was silent for a minute, a distraught look on his face. Ginny had let go of the magic that was binding Lily and James and stopping them from doing things. They both stood next to each other now, smiling gently at their son. Harry laughed and then ran forwards, hugging his parents tightly and sobbing. Lily and James also started sobbing, and then Harry pulled back. He was grinning widely.

"What about Sirius and Remus? Or Tonks and Fred? Dobby, Hedwig, Dumbledore?" Harry asked, excitement shining in his eyes.

Lily looked down.

"We don't know Harry. We woke up in our coffins and then went to see the house. That is when Ginny found us!" James replied sorrowfully.

Ginny looked apologetically at Lily and James, then gestured to Luna and they left to give the small family a bit of privacy. Harry looked sad for a minute, but then he grinned again.

"Oh, Harry, we have a small amount of news!" James said.

"Small?" Lily asked" That is a bit of an under exaggeration."

"Fine, we have some big news!" James amended his words, grinning excitedly.

"What?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well, when I...You know...I was pregnant. We wanted to see if the baby was still there so we did a magic pregnancy test spell and I am still pregnant!!!!! You are going to have a sibling. I know it might be a bit sudden and weird, but yeah.." Lily said, a bit worried about how Harry would feel.

But she needn't have worried. Harry's face split into a huge grin and he hugged his parents again. He was about to say something else when the door burst open for the second time that day. A woman was standing in the doorway, with short black hair in a bob and red lipstick. She wearing the robes normally worn by the unspeakables and she was holding Sirius Black.

"Sir, he suddenly appeared in the department of mysteries. We weren't sure if it was a death eater in disguise or the actual Sirius Black, which is why he is tied up. Sorry about that, if he is the actual Sirius." The woman said.

"Don't worry, Pansy, I have some Veritaserum. I think he might be the real Sirius Black, seeing as my parents have come back to life. I made sure it was them!" Harry answered.

Harry gave Sirius a drop of Veritaserum.

"What is your full name?" Harry asked.

"Sirius Orion Black" Sirius answered.

Harry told him to turn into padfoot, and he did. Pansy untied him and then he gave Harry a hug. He turned around and nearly leapt on top of James, who hugged him back. Then he pulled Harry and Lily into the hug.

Pansy left the office, closing the door quietly behind them. She was just about to get onto the lift, but a man stepped out who she vaguely recognized. He looked very similar, and Pansy realized who he was.

"Excuse me, sir, I need to take you to the office of the Head Auror. This way please. As a precaution, I am going have to put you under arrest just in case. I do hope you understand!" Pansy said politely.

The man nodded, and Pansy led him back to the Head Aurors office They walked for a while in silence, passing cubicles with doors open, showing Aurors working or talking. Ronald was talking to his sister, his eyes rather wide. They got to the office, with a nameplate on the door, which said Head Auror Harry Potter. She opened the door and brought him into the office. Sirius, James and lily were now talking with Harry, but when they saw who came in they froze. Harry got up and gave the man a bit of Veritaserum.

"What is your full name?" Harry asked.

"Regulus Arcturus Black" The man, who looked very similar to Sirius, answered.

Sirius looked like he was in pain.

"How did you die?" Harry asked, looking rather apologetically at Regulus.

"I found out about Voldemort's horcruxes and tried to destroy one. I couldn't, but I gave it to Kreacher to destroy. I was killed by the Inferi." Regulus said, sadly.

Pansy untied him quickly.

"I am really sorry about asking you for your death story. It is something that many people don't know so I had to ask. I am so sorry," Harry said.

Regulus just nodded at him before turning to his brother.

"Reggie? I am so sorry I thought you were loyal to Voldemort! I really am!" Sirius said.

"Regulus just grinned at him.

"Stop being soppy, Sirius. As much as it is good to see you, and it is, I do not want to be reminded about Tom Riddle if you please." Regulus said, hugging his brother, Lily and James. Pansy left to leave them to catch up together.

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