hitting 2 birds whit 1 stone

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jiro:waiting for her break and she thinks,if i could get someone stuped enough to go to helheim and attract loots of invest

jiro:finally its 12 a clock my break,as she starts leaving

kaminary:comes in and ses jiro,hello girl what you doin

jiro:lea,as she stops getting a idea,youst was gona go out to eat hottie

kaminary:why dont you go out whit me

jiro:i mean i can if you do me a little favor

kaminary:that would be

jiro:defeat 700 invest

kaminary:runs off to a rift

jiro:starts washing her mouth,ble now remember jiro your using him it isint t rue

As then she gets a call

Jiro:awnsers,hello jiro here

Izuku:how are you jiro 

Jiro:doing good youst think I send  a pervert to his death

Ixuku:I'm sorry you had to lead whit that jiro

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