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I hear your voice
In the music of the chorus.
In the words you speak,
You stand before us.

You speak of death
As I kneel alive.
In your final breath,
I say goodbye.

You are at the end of the age
And your spirit flies in a sacred space.
You shelter in tongues and leave the stage,
Yet you reign with love in this earthly place.

I stand forgiven
And forgotten is my guilt.
But who are they
In the friendships we built?

They cling to demons in their festered souls
And I reach for nothing and receive regret.
To love and lose, to grasp at coals,
Tasting hell in their tearing flesh.

What does it mean to love the self
And to love one and the same?
To seek no holy help
And surrender only to blame?

Fear leads to anger
And anger leads to hate,
But I am no danger,
And it's never too late.

I won't play this game.
I will not undergo the test.
I shall call upon your name
And lay this conflict to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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