Chapter 2 - The Anti-matrix

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"We've been traveling for cycles now, how long until we find this stupid thing?" says Dead-End
"Quit yer moanin'! plus according to the coordinates from Shockwave we appear to be reaching our destination so lets keep moving." says Motormaster. "Oh, and who put YOU in charge, Motor-breath?" asks Wildrider. "none of you are even as qualified to be a leader as I am, and besides I'm the king of the road.. and nobody de-thrones the king, got it?" "Eeh whatever, how long we got anyways?" Says Wildrider, but before Motormaster can answer Dead-end falls straight into a tomb. "DEAD-END!" shouts Breakdown, "Quick, hurry and try to find him!" Motormaster says as they all go into the tomb to go search for Dead-end. Dead-end falls deeper and deeper into the tomb as he finally stops and crashes into a large object. "Ugh, what happened? where am I?" says Dead-end. He gets up and inspects his surroundings, suddenly he notices a small purple glow coming from inside what looks to be a sarcophagus. "What is that?" he asks, he opens the top more to reveal a matrix. "I found it, I found it!" he exclaims, as he removes it from the corpse it is being held in, it starts glowing a bright purple. "Huh?" he questions, suddenly it jumps out and latches onto his chest and fuses into his body releasing purple glowing vein like tendrils all over his body as he starts to contort and mutate into a new form, into something else. "Dead-end? Dead-end are you there?" says Dragstrip. He suddenly hears a faint growling coming from a dark corridor, "Dead-end? is that you? come on we need to find that matrix.. thing" Dragstrip says. The growling gets closer, and louder, soon Dragstrip starts to see a faint glow of purple coming closer from within the corridor slowly. "uh...Dead-end?" as soon as he finishes speaking, the creature from within the corridor runs quickly towards him and tackles him to the ground. "WHAT THE- GET OFF- WHAT ARE YOU?!" Dragstrip struggles with the creature, he tries reaching for his blaster but before he could the creature bites the base of his neck. Dragstrip screams in pain as the creature starts ripping into Dragstrip, he still tries to fight back but the creature overcomes him and finally kills him, relieving Dragstrip of the horror and pain he was currently experiencing. The rest of the Stunticons enter a hallway still searching for Dead-end, Wildrider turns into a corner and comes across the mutilated blood covered body of his comrade Dragstrip. "O-oh dear primus.." Wildrider says starting to tremble as he stares at the corpse in front of him, "what is it-" says Breakdown but then sees Dragstrips corpse. "W-w-what happened to him?" "I don't know but, we need to get out, NOW" Wildrider answers Breakdown, suddenly dragstrip starts convulsing and grows vein like tendrils all over his body, same as Dead-end. Suddenly he rises from the ground, he turns around in a janky like manner as he stands still.. silence filling the room. Then, Dragstrip releases a loud screech-like roar and charges at the Stunticons. "BURN RUBBER!" shouts Motormaster, as the Stunticons transform and speed out the tomb returning back to the base as the now infected drag-strip and Dead-end followed slowly but surely behind, making their way to decepticon base, planning on more infection... the start of the Anti-matrix plague 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of the Anti-matrix plague! sorry this took so long to make, I had a lot going on and I couldn't get to it when I had time but now its here! hopefully I can make some more since its now the weekend and I have more time on my hands than usual also this one is longer so yay! longer chapters! but yeah cya next chapter!

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